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Essential HR Documents: Managing Staff with Caring and Parental Responsibilities

A Tips & Advice book about...

In a nutshell

Use this book to manage staff who have family and caring responsibilities in a productive, legally secure way. It contains a set of downloadable documents that cover a range of workplace scenarios, each one accompanied by an introduction explaining the law and how to get the most from it. This edition contains over 100 documents including a maternity policy, paternity leave checklist, flexible working application form, time off for dependants policy, letter confirming carer’s leave and more.

This Tips & Advice book covers in detail:

  1. You'll find 100+ ready to use documents in this book, including letters, checklists, policies and procedures, split across nine sections:

  2. Pregnancy at work, maternity leave and pay
  3. Paternity leave and pay
  4. Adoption leave and pay
  5. Shared parental leave and pay
  6. Parental bereavement leave
  7. Parental leave
  8. General family leave and responsibilities
  9. Flexible working
  10. Carer’s leave

This PDF book contains links to all the ready-to-use, easily accessible documents. It's sure to become an indispensable aid to effective HR management.

We've created this Tips & Advice book especially for...

Employers, HR managers and supervisors, company owners that want to:

  • Manage their staff in an effective, legally secure way
  • Comprehensive introductions on how to use each document
  • Ready to use downloadable documents
  • Over 200 pages
  • PDF only
  • Immediate delivery to your inbox

In this Special Report you'll read about...

1. Pregnancy at work, maternity leave and pay

1.1. Acknowledgement of notification of maternity leave letter

1.2. Antenatal appointment eligibility declaration

1.3. Antenatal appointment request form

1.4. Breastfeeding arrangements letter

1.5. Failure to return from maternity leave letter

1.6. Insufficient notice of return from maternity leave

1.7. Letter discussing removal of health risks during pregnancy

1.8. Letter explaining “keeping in touch” days

1.9. Letter inviting employee to attend a keeping in touch day

1.10. Letter notifying change to maternity leave dates

1.11. Letter suspending an employee during pregnancy

1.12. Letter to employee not returning from maternity leave

1.13. Letter to employee on maternity leave

1.14. Letter triggering maternity leave due to absence for pregnancy-related reasons

1.15. Maternity checklist

1.16. Maternity leave plan

1.17. Maternity part-time work request - meeting invitation

1.18. Maternity policy

1.19. Notice of early birth for maternity leave

1.20. Notifying end date after automatic commencement of maternity leave

1.21. Offer of suitable alternative work during pregnancy

1.22. Pregnancy-related absence form

1.23. Recalculation of maternity pay letter

1.24. Reply to keeping in touch day request

1.25. Reply to request for early return from maternity leave

1.26. Requirement for notification of maternity leave letter

1.27. Response to antenatal appointment companion request

1.28. Response to antenatal appointment request

1.29. Return from maternity leave letter

1.30. Rights following loss of pregnancy letter

1.31. SMP ineligibility letter

1.32. Variation of maternity leave request

2. Paternity leave and pay

2.1. Approval of paternity leave request

2.2. Change of paternity leave request

2.3. Insufficient notice of paternity leave

2.4. Notice of birth for paternity leave

2.5. Notice of paternity leave entitlement

2.5. Paternity leave checklist

2.5. Paternity leave ineligibility letter

2.6. Paternity leave policy

2.7. Paternity leave request form

2.8. Paternity rights following loss of pregnancy letter

2.9. Paternity rights on change in circumstances letter

3. Adoption leave and pay

3.1. What's the current position?

3.2. Acknowledgement of notification of adoption leave lette

3.3. Adoption appointment eligibility declaration

3.4. Adoption leave and pay policy

3.5. Adoption leave checklist

3.6. Adoption leave request form

3.7. Change of adoption leave request

3.8. Disrupted adoption leave form

3.9. Letter notifying change to adoption leave dates

3.10. Reply to request for early return from adoption leave

3.11. Response to adoption appointment time off request

3.12. Response to disrupted adoption leave notice

3.13. Return from adoption leave letter

4. Shared parental leave and pay

4.1. What do FHLs currently qualify for?

4.2. Acknowledgement of discontinuous periods of SPL

4.3. Acknowledgement of single period of SPL

4.4. Change of shared parental leave request

4.5. Declaration of consent and entitlement to SPL

4.6. Letter confirming entitlement to SPL

4.7. Letter inviting employee to attend a SPLIT day

4.8. Letter refusing discontinuous periods of SPL

4.9. Letter requesting evidence for SPL

4.10. Maternity leave or adoption leave curtailment notice

4.11. Notice of entitlement to SPL - father or partner

4.12. Notice of entitlement to SPL – mother or adopter

4.13. Period of leave notice for shared parental leave

4.14. Revocation of curtailment notice for SPL

4.15. Shared parental leave and pay policy

5. Parental bereavement leave and pay

5.1. Letter to confirm parental bereavement leave

5.2. Parental bereavement leave and pay form

5.3. Parental bereavement leave policy

6. Parental leave

6.1.Approval of parental leave request

6.2 Letter postponing parental leave

6.3. Parental leave policy

6.4. Parental leave request form

6.5. Refusal of a parental leave request

7. General family leave and responsibilities

7.1. Gift properties to children to use as a home 

7.2. Family emergencies absence form

7.3. Job vacancy letter during parent-related leave

7.4. Letter rejecting time off for foster carer duties

7.5. Offer of alternative work during family leave

7.6. Pre-family leave meeting invitation

7.7. Time off for dependants policy

8. Flexible Working

8.1. Extension of flexible working decision period

8.2. Flexible working acceptance letter

8.1. Flexible working acceptance without meeting letter

8.2 Flexible working appeal - invitation to appeal meeting

8.3 Flexible working application form

8.4 Flexible working policy

8.5 Flexible working rejection letter

8.6 Flexible working request - invitation to meeting

8.7 Flexitime clause

8.8 Flexitime policy

8.9 Homeworking checklist

8.10 Homeworking policy

8.11 Hybrid working policy

8.12 Ineligible for flexible working letter

8.12 Letter confirming flexible working request withdrawn

8.13. Letter confirming trial flexible working arrangement

8.14. Letter reminding employee of flexible working arrangement terms

8.15. Letter rescheduling flexible working request meeting

8.16. Letter revoking trial flexible working arrangement

8.17. Outcome of flexible working appeal meeting letter

8.18. Response to amendment of flexible working application

8.19. Response to invalid flexible working request

8.20. Temporary flexible working arrangement letter

8.21. Trial flexible working arrangement extension letter

8.22. Trial flexible working arrangement letter

8.23. Trial flexible working curtailment letter

9. Carer’s leave

9.1. Carer’s leave form

9.2. Carer’s leave policy

9.3 Letter confirming or postponing carer’s leave

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