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3 PDF reports to maintain a safe work environment

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In a nutshell

Although display screen equipment itself isn't dangerous, if not used properly, the potential exists for staff to suffer from health related problems. This Special Report contains all the practical advice you need to ensure staff aren't put at risk and are able to work effectively

We've created this PDF Report especially for... 

Everyone involved in workplace health and safety

In this Tips & Advice Special Report you'll read about...

1. What is display screen equipment (DSE)?

1.1. Where did the term DSE come from?

1.2. What are the differences between DSE, a VDU and a monitor?

2. DSE legislation - what do you need to know?

2.1. What about the legislation?

2.2. What changed?

2.3. Who is a user?

2.4. Do we need to worry about enforcement?

2.5. What about agency staff?

3. Why is DSE potentially unsafe to use?

3.1. What are the issues?

3.2. So do we need to worry about DSE at all?

3.3. Can DSE adversely affect eyesight?

3.4. What’s our position on eyesight tests?

3.5. Do we have to provide glasses too?

3.6. We’ve heard about a £50 rule. What is this?

4. The workstation

4.1. Are there any hard and fast rules for DSE-related equipment?

4.2. How should the workstation be set up?

4.3. Do I need a separate DSE assessment for a standing desk?

4.4. What about rest breaks?

5. The format of the assessment

5.1. What about training?

5.2. What is a DSE risk assessment?

5.3. Who should complete the assessment?

5.4. How do we review the assessment?

5.5. Does this mean we have to spend money on the workstation?

5.6. How should we approach the assessment?

5.7. What about workstations with multiple users?

5.8. What do we do with the assessments once completed and reviewed?

5.9. How often is a re-assessment needed?

5.10. What if someone complains of aches and pains?

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A PDF Report about...

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So you've risk assessed everything, put the correct procedures in place, and yet a member of staff has still managed to have an accident. How should you record it? Do you need to report it to the authorities or your insurer? These are just some of the many questions answered in our Special Report: Control, Investigate and Reduce Workplace Accidents

We've created this PDF Report especially for... 

health and safety managers and supervisors

In this Tips & Advice Special Report you'll read about...

1. What are accidents?

1.1. What are accidents and incidents?

1.2. What can accidents cost?

1.3. How should we deal with the immediate aftermath of an accident?

2. Recording accidents

2.1. What does the law say about recording accidents and incidents?

2.2. What accidents need recording and how should this be done?

2.3. What information must be recorded?

3. Reporting accidents

3.1. Why do accidents need to be reported to the authorities?

3.2. What incidents or accidents should we report?

3.3. What are the main reportable major injuries, dangerous occurrences and diseases?

4. How should we report accidents and incidents?

4.1. Timeframe

5. Dealing with the insurance company

5.1. How should we deal with our insurer?

5.2. What steps do we need to take to comply with the insurer’s wishes?

6. Enforcement action

6.1. How should we deal with an enforcement officer?

6.2. How do we minimise the impact of an HSE or EHO investigation?

6.3. What are the rights of inspectors?

7. Investigating accidents

7.1. Why investigate accidents?

7.2. What does the law say about investigating accidents?

7.3. What are the main aims of accident investigation?

7.4. How can we get the most out of interviews?

7.5. What witness interview techniques should we use?

7.6. How do we gather evidence?

7.7. How should we use the findings of an accident investigation?

8. First aid

8.1. What does the law say?

8.2. What is a first aid needs assessment?

8.3. Do we need first aid personnel?

8.4. How many do we need?

8.5. What about training courses?

8.6. What first aid materials and equipment do we need to provide?

8.7. What facilities and equipment should this room contain?

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A PDF Report about...

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This updated Special Report contains details of the Emergency First Aid at Work course - and guidance on compliance, plus new information on mental health first aid. It’s all you need to take care of your first aid training needs.

We've created this PDF Report especially for... 

health and safety trainers, managers and supervisors that want to:

  • be on top of the latest First Aid course.

In this Tips & Advice Special Report you'll read about...

1. The Regulations and guidance

1.1. What does the law say?

1.2. Purpose of a first aider

2. How to calculate your first aid requirements

2.1. What level of training do our first aiders need?

2.2. What type of specific training might our first aiders need?

2.3. How many first aiders do we need?

2.4. How do we calculate the number of first aiders needed in construction work?

2.5. How often should we review our first aid provision?

2.6. Can we still have appointed persons instead of first aiders?

3. How to choose first aiders

3.1. Who makes a good first aider?

3.2. Can medical staff act as first aiders?

3.3. Do first aiders have to work for our organisation?

4. Training

4.1. Who can give training in first aid techniques?

4.2. How does a first aider requalify under the new regime?

4.3. What about refresher training?

5. First aid arrangements

5.1. Do we need to tell staff about the first aid arrangements?

5.2. What equipment and facilities do we need to provide?

5.3. Do we need a defibrillator?

5.4. Do we need additional insurance to cover first aiders?

5.5. Do we need to give first aiders additional pay?

5.6. Should our first aiders keep records?

6. Case studies

6.1. Small engineering company

6.2. Small office

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