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Flexible Working (PDF)

A Tips & Advice Special Report about...

In a nutshell

This Special Report shows you how to deal with flexible working requests swiftly and efficiently. The right to request flexible working is available to all employees after 26 weeks' service. It's therefore vital that your policies and procedures are up to date and in line with the current rules.

In detail

In easy-to-follow steps, this Report provides full guidance on the procedures you need to follow.

  • Types of flexible working
  • Criteria to apply for flexible working
  • The process for making and handling a request
    • What to do when a request is received
    • How to respond
    • Legally safe rejection grounds
  • Using trial periods
  • The right of appeal
  • Dealing with any problems

The flexible working regime is a potential minefield for employers. But there's no need to worry if you know the rules. All the advice and solutions in this Special Report will help you apply the law correctly. It's all you need to play it safe.

We've created this Tips & Advice Special Report especially for... 

Business owners and managers, HR/personnel managers and staff, company directors that want to:

  • Safely navigate their way through the potential minefield of flexible working and be able to deal with any requests swiftly and efficiently

You'll get the following free extras with this Tips & Advice Special Report... 

An online service with ready-to-use documents

  • To immediately apply our advice and solutions in practice
  • That you can easily adapt to suit your own requirements

In this Tips & Advice Special Report you'll read about...

Types of flexible working

The right to request flexible working

The process for making a request

Holding the meeting

Considering the application

Trial periods

Right of appeal

Making the arrangement work

Dealing with any problems

Flexible working policy

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  • The PDF-version
  • Delivered to your inbox

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