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Managing Pregnant Workers (PDF)

Simple Steps to Stay Out of Trouble

A Tips & Advice Special Report about...

In a nutshell

This Special Report ensures you’re able to manage pregnant workers in a responsible and legally safe way. It covers all you need to know, from recruitment to post-maternity leave. With this Special Report, you’ll have the law  and best practice relating to maternity rights at your fingertips. It’s a must-read for all employers that want to approach this tricky subject correctly.

In detail

When managing pregnant workers, employers have to navigate a minefield of legislation and case law. The advice in this Special Report will help you steer a legally safe way that also suits the needs of the business. It provides answers to questions such as:

  • How should I handle time off requests for antenatal care?
  • What can I do in case of poor performance?
  • How do I deal with sickness absence?
  • Do I need to carry out a risk assessment for a pregnant worker?
  • Is it possible to dismiss or make a pregnant employee redundant?
  • Can I take disciplinary action against a pregnant employee?

Plus, the complementary documents will help you put all the advice into practice.

We've created this Tips & Advice Special Report especially for... 

Business owners and managers, HR/personnel managers that want to:

  • Know what their rights and obligations are when it comes to managing pregnant workers

Advisors and consultants that want to:

  • Help their clients navigate a safe path through the minefield of maternity rules

You'll get the following free extras with this Tips & Advice Special Report... 

An online service with ready-to-use documents

  • To immediately apply our advice and solutions in practice
  • That you can easily adapt to suit your own requirements

In this Special Report you'll read about...



Antenatal appointments

Health and safety

Performance management

Sickness absence

Maternity leave

Returning to work

Shared parental leave

Flexible working requests


Disciplinary action


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  • The PDF-version
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