Health, Safety & Environment Documents
Legally secure and up-to-date health, safety and environment documents plus advice on how to use them
Health, Safety & Environment Documents is...
A package of a website and a digital newsletter to
- Cover every health, safety and environment situation in the least-cost way
- Have a full set of legally secure health, safety and environment documents
- Understand how to use each document to its greatest effect
- Keep on the right side of the law without it breaking the bank
- Stay up to date with what’s new and changing in health, safety and environment
A unique concept...
- Easy-to-apply advice and practical solutions
- Short and simple - in jargon-free language
- 100% safe to use
- Totally independent and unbiased advice
A unique collaboration between
- Our in-house experts
- A broad network of specialists who are experts in their fields
We've created this package especially for...
Company owners and managers, health, safety and environment managers that want to:
- Meet their health, safety and environment obligations
- Manage health, safety and the environment in their business in the least-cost, most effective ways
SHE consultants that want to:
- Have all the resources they need to provide their clients with maximum protection
- asbestos
- Chemicals
- Handling/storage of chemicals
- Liquid spillages
- Use and storage of petrol
- Using oils and greases
- appointing a principal contractor letter
- appointing a principal designer
- Avoidance of buried services
- CDM compliance checklist
- CDM Coordinator appraisal
- CDM Coordinator checklist
- client brief
- Client CDM compliance checklist
- client's demolition and dismantling checklist
- Compliance Audit - Site
- Concrete and brickwork
- Construction phase plan (CDM 2015)
- construction phase plan checklist
- Construction/refurbishment fire safety checklist
- construction site - induction
- Construction supervisor checklist
- construction welfare facilities checklist
- Construction work
- Contractor appraisal - environment
- Contractor Appraisal Questionnaire
- contractor briefing
- Contractor checklist
- Contractor Management Flow Chart
- Contractor management - guidance
- Contractor management policy
- Contractor questionnaire - small
- Contractor selection policy
- daily excavations checklist
- Emergency grab pack contents
- Environmental management
- Excavations
- Health and safety induction - contractor
- health & safety file checklist
- H&S induction - site staff
- Laying paving slabs and kerbs
- letter to clients regarding CDM
- Mechanical excavators
- Method statement
- Method statement and risk assessment
- method statement evaluation
- Minor Works - Pre-start Checklist
- MoEC checklist
- notice - site rules for contractors
- Office refurbishment
- Permit to dig
- Permit-to-work - CDM
- permit-to-work - contractor management
- Permit to work - excavations
- Pre-construction checklist
- Pre-demolition checklist
- Principal contractor assessment
- Principal contractor CDM compliance checklist
- principal designer assessment checklist
- Project risk assessment information
- request for pre-construction information
- risk assessment - cutting and preparing stone
- Risk assessment - land survey work
- risk assessment - protecting the public from contstruction works
- safety briefing - construction phase plans
- safety briefing - method statements
- scope of works
- signing in book
- Site health and safety inspection checklist
- Site paperwork checklist
- Site rules for contractors
- site setup checklist
- Site specific risks
- Sub-contractor management policy
- summary of clients responsibilities
- summary of contractors responsibilities
- summary of designers responsibilities
- summary of principal contractor responsibilities
- summary of principal contractor's responsibilities
- Toolbox talk - CDM
- Compliance audit
- Coronavirus
- H&S policy
- News
- Return to work
- risk assessment
- Track and trace support
- Visitors and Contractors.
Energy management
- Alternative energy
- carbon emissions reduction plan
- compressed air use policy
- Energy efficiency
- Energy management
- Legislation register - energy
- Office - energy saving checklist
- Policy
- safety briefing - energy saving in the office
Environmental Health
- Environmental health
- Food safety policy
Environmental impact assessments
- Contaminated land emergency control
- Contaminated land remediation
- Contaminated land tax relief
- contaminated soil
- Ecology
- Environmental impact assessment
- Environmental risk assessment
- Identifying contaminated land
- Protected species
Environmental incidents
- Corrective action record
- Environmental incident - action record
- Fly tipped waste checklist
- Investigation
- Pollution incident response plan
- Report
- Reporting
- Witness statement
Environmental management systems
- Aspects and Impacts Register
- Audit checklist
- Benchmarking and performance
- continuous improvement plan
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Environmental arrangements
- Environmental fire prevention plan
- Environmental management arrangements
- Environmental policy audit
- environmental quick check
- environmental risk assessment procedure
- Flood plan
- ISO 14001 Environmental policy statement
- Management responsibilities
- Management systems
- objectives and targets
- Organisational structure
- Permit compliance checklist
- Pesticide log book
- Policy statement
- Purchasing policy
- Safety briefing - environmental awareness
Fire and emergencies
- Arson checklist
- Cabling checklist
- Construction checklist
- Disability assessment
- Emergencies checklist
- Emergency procedure
- Evacuation report
- Fire marshal checklist
- Fire safety
- Fire safety policy
- General checklist
- Lift Rescue Checklist
- Maintenance schedule
- Out of hours emergency procedure
- Pre-construction checklist
- Safety briefing - fire safety awareness
Fire management
- Changes to the law - a quick guide
- Construction/refurbishment fire safety checklist
- Emergency contacts list
- Evacuation procedure
- External metal fire escape checksheet
- fire action - reception
- Fire alarm testing instructions
- Fire drill observation sheet
- Fire extinguisher information
- Fire extinguisher selection guide
- Fire fighting equipment inspection sheet
- Fire marshal role and acceptance
- Fire Policy and Procedures – Small Hospitality Business
- Fire safety
- Fire safety compliance audit
- Fire safety policy
- Fire strike checklist
- Fire triangle
- hazardous material register
- Out of hours fire alarm response
- person in charge checklist
- Power operated door log
- quick fire safety check
- Responsible person role and authorisation
- routine tasks
- Special evacuation procedure
- Special evacuation risk assessment
- sprinkler checklist
- Visitor identification card
Fire record book
- Electrical equipment check sheet
- Emergency lighting check sheet
- emergency lighting testing instructions
- Escape route check sheet
- False alarm record
- Fire alarm system check sheet
- Fire check record
- Fire door record
- Fire evacuation record
- Fire fighting equipment check sheet
- fire log book contents list
- fire logbook review
- fire marshal record
- Fire safety
- Fire safety officer inspection
- Fire training and instruction record sheet
- Signs
- Sprinkler checklist
- visitor record book
Fire risk assessment
- Arson prevention checklist
- Assembly points
- categories of fire alarm system
- Conclusion
- Control measures
- Corrective action report
- document control sheet
- Emergency lighting
- Fire detection
- Fire fighting equipment
- fire management
- Fire Risk Assessment – Introduction
- fire risk assessment review
- Fire risk assessment - small premises
- Guide to using our Fire risk assessment system
- Inspection & maintenance
- Means of escape
- Persons at risk
- preparation questionnaire
- Procedures and training
- Scale drawing
- Signage
- Sources of fuel
- Sources of ignition
- Sources of oxygen
Fire training
- Attendance record sheet
- Fire awareness training checksheet
- fire extinguisher quiz
- Fire management quiz
- Fire marshal checklist
- Fire safety
- Fire training guidance
- General fire safety
- Quiz
- quiz two
- Safety briefing - fire safety awareness
- Summary fire training guide
- Using a fire extinguisher
First aid
- Appointed person role
- First aid
- First aid at work policy
- Kit contents checklist
- Needs assessment
- Needs checklist
- Personnel needs
- Quiz
- Room checklist
- Rules
Flow Charts
- accident investigation
- appointing members to a H&S committee
- asbestos management
- Cleaning a neat oil metal working fluid system
- Cleaning a Water-Mix MWF System
- Client responsibilities
- Client responsibilities - part two
- Client responsibilities, Stage 3: project implementation
- Client Responsibilities, Stage 4: Project completion
- Contractor management
- Contractor selection
- dealing with health and safety concerns
- Do You Need a Gas Safety Certificate?
- Do You Need an HMO Licence (England)?
- Driving licence check
- environmental incident investigation
- Food deliveries
- HACCP principles
- Health and safety audit
- health checks
- health surveillance and checks
- How to comply with the DSE Regulations
- how to do a risk assessment
- How to respond to a DSE assessment
- H&S Management organogram
- Identifying a confined space
- introducing work equipment
- maintaining work equipment
- method statements
- near misses
- New and expectant mothers
- Night worker health
- non-conformances
- PPE issuing and management
- PPE selection
- product safety recall/withdrawal
- spill response
- staff illness
- undertaking a COSHH assessment
- When a risk assessment is needed
- When to report a disease
- Work equipment selection
Food safety
- Alleged or Suspected Food Poisoning Incident
- allergen identification table
- chopping board quiz
- Deep fat fryer safety procedure
- Delivery checklist - ready to eat foods
- Food allergy checklist
- Food complaint form
- Food safety
- food safety and hygiene training record
- Food temperature quiz (England)
- food wastage record
- fridge and freezer temperature
- probe thermometer check
- register of health and safety legislation - food
- return to work
- Safety Briefing – Personal Hygiene and Food
- Weekly hot holding record
- Attendance at external events
- First aid requirements
- general maintanence and gardening
- Lone working
- Manual handling
- Pregnant staff
- property viewing safety check
- Residential Property Safety Checklist
- Risk assessment - blank
- risk assessment - fireworks
- risk assessment - general operations
- Risk assessment - public safety
- room hire agreement
- safety briefing for events marshals
- small conferences and seminars
- Using, collecting and disposing of sharps
- Working out of hours
- young persons on work experience
Hazardous substances
- asbestos algorithm
- Asbestos hotspot checklist
- asbestos register
- Asbestos release
- Asbestos statement
- Asbestos surveyor checklist
- Chemical inventory sheet
- Chemical storeroom checklist
- COSHH assessment
- COSHH assessment guidance
- COSHH/DSEAR - Bleach
- COSHH/DSEAR - concrete
- COSHH/DSEAR - Metalworking fluid
- COSHH/DSEAR - Petrol diesel
- COSHH/DSEAR - Used motor and transmission oils
- Dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres policy
- Flow chart - when to do a COSHH assessment
- gas cylinder storage checklist
- Hazardous substances
- Lead
- LPG safety checklist
- Metal working fluid record form
- Metal Working Fluids Maintenance Checklist
- MSDS guide
- Preliminary COSHH assessment
- Use of chemicals at work policy
- Use of chemicals checklist
Location-based risk assessments
- Bar
- Call centres
- Cleaning business premises
- Confined spaces
- Construction sites (access for visitors)
- Domestic premises
- Garages and workshops
- Housekeeping and changing beds
- Laboratories
- LPG storage areas
- Manholes
- office
- outdoor catering checklist
- Outdoor event safety plan
- Plant and equipment rooms
- playground
- re-felting a flat roof
- replacing a pitched tiled roof
- Risk assessments
- Roof spaces
- serving and preparing deli food and drink
- Stock room
- warehouse operations
- Warehouses (general access for visitors)
- Work near water
- Angle grinders/cutters
- Bench grinders (abrasive wheels)
- Chainsaws
- Drilling holes in textured coatings
- Electric drills
- Hand tools
- Lifting plan
- lifting plan - non crane
- Machinery maintenance
- Machinery safety
- Pedestrian-operated pallet trucks
- Petrol-driven chainsaws
- risk assessment - machinery (blank)
- risk assessment - ride on mowers
- safety briefing - work equipment - master
- vibrating tools policy
Machinery and electrical hand tools
- 50 point plant safety
- Average noise levels
- Chainsaw checklist
- Compressed air procedure
- Electrical hand tool
- Equipment checklist
- Hand-arm vibration calculator
- hand-arm vibration tool register
- hire agreement
- Lift safety checklist
- Machinery maintenance record
- Machinery safety
- Machinery safety policy
- mobile work platform inspection
- Noise at work policy
- permit-to-work - machinery isolation
- Portable appliance register
- Portable appliance test record
- pressure systems policy
- Purchasing checklist
- risk assessment - table saws
- safety briefing - vibration
- safety critical equipment register and record
- Unsafe machinery/equipment report
- Vibration tools checklist
- Vibration tools procedure
- Visual inspection checklist
- welding operations checklist
- Whole body vibration checklist
- work equipment - condition checklist
- Work equipment - routine inspection report
Management of health and safety
- Accident claim – management checklist
- accident - document guidance
- Accident/Incident reporting policy
- Accident investigation
- accident - photo record
- Accident report form
- Accident reporting procedure
- Accident witness statement
- Action report letter
- Agency H&S letter
- Agency workers checklist
- Alcohol policy
- Allergy Emergency Action Plan
- annual insurance check letter
- Asbestos management policy
- Bomb threat checklist
- Cash handling checklist
- confined spaces policy
- consultancy services
- Consultant checklist
- Consultation policy
- Contractual terms
- damage defect report
- Dealing with inspectors
- directors checklist
- Document issue record
- document register
- driver declaration
- electrical safety policy
- flow chart - accident investigation
- forklift truck policy
- Grounds maintenance checklist
- Health and safety arrangements - audit
- health and safety committee agenda
- Health and safety committee constitution
- Health and safety management
- Health and safety policy
- Health & Safety Action Plan
- H&S Assessment - work experience
- H&S induction - simple arrangements
- H&S rules and information for tenants
- individual training record
- Induction checklist
- lifting operations policy
- lone worker contact details
- Lone worker policy
- Maintenance authorisation list
- Maintenance contractor audit
- managers health and safety induction
- Manual handling policy
- Meeting agenda
- Method statement/safety procedure training record
- Near-miss report
- needlestick injury procedure
- new and expectant mothers policy
- non-compliance
- non-conformance
- panic alarm test record
- performance monitoring policy
- permits-to-work policy
- permit to work - asbestos
- permit-to-work - confined spaces
- permit-to-work: energised circuits
- permit-to-work - hazardous area
- permit-to-work high-pressure water jetting
- Permit-to-work - lift shafts
- permit-to-work - non-energised circuits
- permit-to-work - stepladders
- Permit to Work - Work at Height
- Personal risk assessment
- potential claim form
- PPE Assessment
- PPE inventory
- PPE issue record
- Pregnancy checklist
- Product recall
- Project H&S Diary
- project H&S management plan
- Quick guide to RIDDOR 2013
- quick guide to sign design
- record of inspectors visit
- Record of responsibilities
- register - H&S aspects and impacts
- register of health and safety legislation - accident and emergencies
- register of health and safety legislation - management
- register of health and safety legislation - substances
- register of health and safety legislation - workplace
- Register of permit issuers
- register of safety legislation - construction and contractors
- register of safety legislation - management
- register of safety legislation - work equipment
- Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) Checklist
- risk assessment - audit
- risk assessment - guidance
- risk assessment - light duties
- Risk assessment management checklist
- risk assessment - office u18
- Risk assessment policy
- Risk assessment - PV panel installation
- Risk assessments
- risk assessment training record
- Safe start
- safety briefing - accident prevention
- safety briefing - consultation
- safety briefing - health and safety policy
- safety briefing - hswa
- safety briefing - human factors
- safety briefing - powers of inspectors
- Safety briefing register
- Safety briefing - working in winter conditions
- safety meeting minutes
- Safety procedure
- Safety Representative inspection form
- Safety representatives report
- safety signs signals and notices policy
- Safety training record
- Security
- Shared premises responsibilities policy
- shift working policy
- slips, trips and falls policy
- Smoke-free policy
- Social event safety checklist
- Stress at work policy
- test
- training matrix
- Training policy
- Violence at work policy
- Volunteer policy
- Weil's disease policy
- Welfare policy
- Whistle blowing policy
- work equipment - SSOW
- Work experience checklist
- Workplace drug policy
- Workplace environment policy
- Young worker checklist
- young workers policy
Noise reduction and control
- Assessment and control
- Initial assessment
- Low noise policy
- Monitoring & assessment
- Monitoring record sheet
- Noise control
- Nuisance noise reduction
- risk assessment - noise
Occupational health
- annual screening questionnaire - vibration
- Asthma management checklist
- Dermatitis checklist
- employee vibration log
- Exam and tests consent form
- exposure to blood and bodily fluids
- fit for work report
- Fit notes
- Initial screening questionnaire - vibration
- Letters to GP
- Letter to employee
- Medical consent form
- Night workers
- nightworkers - questionnaire
- Occupational health
- Occupational Health in Construction Work
- Occupational health policy
- OH Management checklist
- Pre-employment questionnaire
- safety briefing - skin protection
- safety briefing - work pressure
- Stress management checklist
- Stress self-assessment
- Vaccination Policy
- Work activities information
Office safety
- Display screen equipment (DSE) eye test form
- Display screen equipment (DSE) policy
- DSE self-assessment questionnaire
- Electrical equipment inventory
- Energy saving checklist
- Housekeeping checklist
- Inspection checklist
- Kitchen checklist
- Laptop health and safety
- Manual handling risk assessment
- Office safety
- safety briefing - display screen equipment
- Sick Building Syndrome checklist
- Slips, trips and falls
- storage
- workstation chair and desk specification
- Workstation hotspot checklist
Off-site working
- Delivery safety plan checklist
- Driver safety checklist
- Driving at work policy
- Foreign travel checklist
- Foreign travel policy
- Home visit checklist
- Homeworking agreement
- Homeworking checklist
- Homeworking clauses
- Homeworking policy
- initial safety survey
- lone workers communication procedure
- Mobile phone and gadget policy
- Mobile staff safety checklist
- Mobile workers safety policy
- Offsite working
- Pre-start workplace safety checklist
- safety briefing - contaminated land
- safety briefing contaminated land
- Vehicle maintenance procedure
- Work equipment reminder checklist
Oil storage
- Checklist
- Oil separators
- Oil storage
- Policy and procedure
- Pollution response plan
- Preventing oil pollution
- Head protection
- Annual review
- labour only
- Outsourcing (non-construction)
- Policy and procedure
- small works & maintenance
Safe system of work
- abrasive wheels
- bandsaw
- car park traffic marshalling
- Checking vehicles for Roadworthiness
- fire extinguishers
- fork lift truck
- hand tools
- Ladders
- machinery maintenance
- method statement - blockwork
- method statement - brickwork
- method statement - excavation below 1.2m
- Method statement - fencing
- Method Statement - Garden preparation
- Method statement - rendering
- Method statement - soft stripping
- Method statement - timber partitions
- Mobile elevating work platform
- oxy-acetylene welding and cutting
- Pressure Washer
- Safe system of work
- Safe Use of Garden Chemicals
- Step ladders
- TIG Welding
- Tradespersons visiting homes
- use of ladders
- Workstation
Safety briefing
- Accepting food deliveries
- Accident reporting
- Cleaning of food preparation areas
- Delivery drivers
- Food contamination hazards and controls
- Food pests and controls
- Food poisoning and controls
- handling petrol
- Hand washing procedure
- Manual pallet trucks
- Master
- Permit-to-work
- Safety briefing
- Safety footwear
- site transport
- Storage and disposing of waste
- Storing food
- Tradespersons visiting homes
- Working In, Near or Over Water
Statutory nuisance
- Dust management checklist
- Fume and odour management checklist
- Guidance note - statutory nuisance
- legislation register - noise & nuisance
- noise log - complainant
- Noise management checklist
- nuisance log to be completed by complainant
- odour complaint report
- Statutory nuisance - enforcement
- Waste management checklist
- Alternative fuels
- Business travel
- Changing wheels
- Corporate transport policy
- Driving at work
- Forklift inspection record
- Forklift management checklist
- Forklift truck authorisation
- Forklift truck operations
- H&S Induction - Delivery drivers
- Loading areas
- Loading goods into cars
- loading/unloading vehicles
- risk assessment - use of telehandler
- Safety procedure - driving a forklift truck
- safety procedure - use of quad bike
- tips for fuel efficient driving
- Traffic management plan
- Transport
- Unnecessary journeys
- van car weekly checklist
- Vehicle movements
- Visiting customer sites
- Winter driving
- Workplace transport
- workplace transport policy
Waste management
- consignment note
- Consignment notes register
- Controlled waste transfer note
- Duty of care
- Legislation register
- Managing hazardous waste
- Minimisation and recycling policy
- Minimising hazardous waste
- safety briefing - waste and recycling
- safety procedure - site waste disposal
- SWMP Checklist
- SWMP (less than £500k)
- SWMP (more than £500k)
- waste data summary
- Waste hierarchy policy
- Waste management
- waste reduction checklist
- Discharge consent
- Grey water recycling
- guidance note - discharge of waste water
- Legislation register
- Monthly tap water temperature record
- record of deadlegs
- Shower cleaning record
- Waste water management
- waste water survey
- Water efficiency
- Water pollution risks checklist
- Water safety
- asbestos condition report
- asbestos management plan
- asbestos - routine monitoring
- Asbestos statement
- Building condition checklist
- car park policy
- Changing electric lamps
- Changing electric light fittings
- Cleaning in kitchens
- Confined space rescue plan
- Detailed assessment - lifting and carrying
- detailed assessment - pushing and pulling
- Disabled Checklist
- Drinking water dispenser
- Electric socket outlets
- External areas
- Eye protection policy
- floor and wall tiling
- Forklift truck safety procedure
- General building maintenance
- gritting plan
- ground clearance
- Ground clearance
- Hard hat instructions
- Hi-visibility clothing
- Hot work permit
- Housekeeping
- Internal lighting checklist
- Kitchen Extraction Systems
- Kitchen pest control
- Ladder checklist
- Legionella checklist
- Legionella management policy
- legionella risk assessment
- Lifejacket checklist
- lift owner inspection record
- lift rescue procedure
- Lift safety checklist
- Load handling - preliminary assessment
- Loading bay checklist
- Manual handling checklist
- Manual handling management
- Mobile access towers
- Mobile access towers checklist
- Mobile tower scaffold
- monthly tap water temperature record
- new premises checklist
- Painting and decorating
- Pallet racking checklist
- Pallet truck safety checklist
- permit-to-work - lift shafts
- permit-to-work - roofwork
- pest monitoring record
- playground inspection record
- Plumbing and heating
- PPE checklist
- PPE inventory
- PPE policy
- Premises safety checklist
- pre opening checklist
- Procedure for using ladders
- public area inspection
- Quick premises H&S check
- racking safety policy
- Residential Accomodation checklist
- Risk assessment - Clearing up from a flood
- risk assessment - podium steps
- risk assessment - pv panel installation
- risk assessment - spray painting emulsion
- risk assessment - trees
- risk assessment - use of ladders
- risk assessment - use of stepladders
- risk assessment - window cleaning
- Safety harness checklist
- Safety harness issue
- Safety harness procedure
- safety procedure - clearing snow and ice
- safety procedure - power isolation
- Sanitary facilities checklist
- Scaffold specification checklist
- shutdown checklist
- slinging of loads
- Slips and trips checklist
- Slips, trips and falls
- Slips, trips and falls in kitchens
- staff kitchen safety rules
- Team lifting
- thermal comfort checklist
- Unblocking drains and pipes
- Ventilation checklists
- Violence against staff
- Visitor safety checklist
- Visitor safety policy
- Window and glazing safety checklist
- Winter precautions
- Winter precautions checklist
- Work at height checklist
- Work at height - rescue plan
- Work at height safety policy
- Work experience checklist
- Working at height
- Working from home (office-based staff)
- Working from home (sewing and ironing)
- Working on fragile roofs
- Workplace - audit
- Workplace safety
- Young persons checklist
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