Safe Employment Documents
Your monthly guide to keeping your employment documents up to date
Safe Employment Documents is...
A website and digital newsletter:
- Covers every workplace situation in the least-cost way
- Provides a full set of legally secure employment documents
- Explains how to use each document to its greatest effect
- Makes sure your paperwork meets the needs of your business
- Enables you to stay fully up to date with what's new and changing in employment law
A unique concept...
- Easy-to-apply advice and solutions
- Short and simple - in clear language
- 100% safe to use
- Completely independent advice
A unique collaboration between
- Our in-house experts
- A broad network of specialists who are experts in HR
We've created this package especially for...
Company owners and managers, personnel managers, HR staff, supervisors that want to:
- Be sure their employment practices are legally safe
- Have ready-to-use documents for all their HR dealings close to hand
- Ensure these documents are always up to date with the ever-changing legislation
HR consultants and advisors that want to:
- Have all the resources they need to provide their clients with maximum protection
- Brexit
Changing terms
- Confirmation of pension contribution increase
- Deputising letter
- Letter advising NMW rate change
- Letter advising NMW rate freeze
- Letter designationg employee as furloughed
- Letter notifying employer change of name
- Letter seeking agreement to furlough leave
- Letter varying agreed terms of contract
- Meeting to discuss varying contract terms
- Request to vary contract terms
- Salary sacrifice form
- Temporary flexible working arrangement letter
- Termination of contract and offer of terms
- Variation of contract terms letter
- Varying terms
Company rules
- Alcohol and drugs policy
- Business travel and environment safeguarding policy
- Cars and car allowances policy
- CCTV Policy
- Clear desk policy
- Collections, Sponsorship and Selling of Goods Policy
- Company rules
- Computer policy
- Conduct whilst on company business policy
- Data protection policy
- Death of employee policy
- Deferral of jury service letter
- Dignity at work policy
- Disclosures in the public interest policy
- Dress and appearance policy
- Driving whilst on company-related business policy
- Duvet day policy
- E-mail and Internet policy
- Equal opportunities and dignity at work policy
- Gifts from clients/suppliers policy
- Gifts report form
- Health and safety policy
- Holidays policy
- Homeworking policy
- IT security induction checklist
- Leaves of absence policy
- Outcome of Time to Train Appeal Meeting Letter
- Personal relationships at work policy
- Political activity policy
- Provision of accommodation policy
- Register of keys and alarm codes
- Reimbursement of expenses policy
- Right to search policy
- Severe disruption policy
- Smoking policy
- Social media policy
- Sporting and special events policy
- Staff discounts policy
- Staff handbook introduction
- Statement to Employees in Advance of Work Party
- Stop and Search Authorisation Form
- Stress at work policy
- Strong beliefs
- Telephone policy
- Timekeeping policy
- Time to Train Acceptance Letter
- Time to Train Appeal Meeting Letter
- Time to Train Rejection Letter
- Use of company equipment policy
- Whistleblowing policy
- Workplace sweepstake rules
- Agreement for Loan Repayment
- Annualised hours clause
- Apprenticeship agreement
- Apprenticeships
- Approved English apprenticeship agreement
- Attendance allowance clause
- Blanket power to vary contract clause
- Bonus payment clause
- Casual worker agreement
- Clauses and agreements
- Commission clause
- Compassionate leave clause
- Confidentiality clause
- Consultancy Agreement
- Consultancy offer letter
- Credit and Charge Card Clause
- Criminal records check clawback agreement
- Deductions from wages clause
- Demotion clause
- Deputising clause
- Driving Licence Requirement Clause
- Electronic signatures clause
- Employee warranties
- Extra bank holidays clause
- Fixed-term contract
- Fixed term contract extension letter
- Flexible job duties clause
- Flexitime clause
- Garden leave clause
- GDPR Data protection clause
- Governing law and jurisdiction clause
- Holiday pay on termination clause
- Holiday shutdown clause
- Homeworker clauses
- Intellectual property clause
- Job-share clause
- Lay-off and short time working clause
- Letter confirming a career break
- Letter confirming a reduction in hours request
- Letter confirming increase in hours request
- Letter confirming PILON payment
- Letter enforcing restrictive covenants
- Letter extending apprenticeship
- Letter requesting return of contract
- Letter to competitor about employee on garden leave
- Limiting disciplinary procedure clause
- List of gross misconduct offences
- Luncheon vouchers clause
- Medical examinations clause
- Mobility/relocation clause
- No oral variation clause
- Notices clause
- On-call work clause
- Opt-out agreement
- Opt out clause
- Other benefits in kind clause
- Outside business interests clause
- Overtime and time off in lieu clause
- Part-time employee clauses
- Pay in lieu of notice
- Pay secrecy clause
- Personal property clause
- Probation
- Probation period clause
- Public Statements Clause
- Relocation costs agreement
- Renewal of fixed-term employment letter
- Repayment of immigration fees agreement
- Reporting procedure
- Requirement to live near work clause
- Requirement to travel clause
- Response to employment particulars request
- Rest periods and rest break clause
- Restrictions on authority clause
- Restrictive covenants clause
- Retirement clause
- Return of company property clause
- Right to work clause
- Secondary work
- Secondment agreement
- Self-employed contract
- Shift work clause
- Sick pay clause
- Statement of changes to employment particulars
- Student Sponsorship Agreement
- Suspension clause
- Third party pressure to dismiss clause
- Third party rights clause
- Training costs agreement
- Training requirement clause
- Unauthorised absence pay deduction clause
- Whole agreement clause
- Work outside the UK clause
- Written statement of employment particulars
- Zero hours contract
Contractual policies and procedures
- Alcohol and drugs
- Anti-bribery policy
- Computer policy
- Conduct whilst on company business
- Contractual policies and procedures
- Corporate hospitality policy
- Data protection policy
- Dress and appearance
- E-mail and Internet policy
- Employment of ex-offenders policy
- Generative AI policy
- Gifts from clients/suppliers
- Holidays
- Leaves of absence
- Personal relationships at work
- Reimbursement of expenses
- Right to search
- Sickness absence
- Smoking
- Telephone policy
- Timekeeping
- Unauthorised absence
- Use of company equipment
- Whistleblowing policy
- Working Time Regulations
- Workplace companion confidentiality agreement
- Coronavirus
- Coronavirus overseas travel quarantine memo
- Furlough
- Letter explaining control measures taken
- Letter seeking agreement to flexible furlough
- Letter seeking consent to staggered start times
- News
- Notification of self-isolation memo
Data protection
- Data protection
- Data protection subject access response letter
- GDPR consent to use of employee's image
- GDPR Data Breach Policy and Response Plan
- GDPR data processor clauses
- GDPR Data protection impact assessment
- GDPR Data Subject Access Request Form
- GDPR Data subject access response letter
- GDPR data subject rights clarification/refusal
- GDPR Employee data processing checklist
- GDPR erasure of data request form
- GDPR erasure of data response letter
- GDPR legitimate interests assessment
- GDPR Letter notifying personal data breach
- GDPR personal data breaches register
- GDPR Privacy Notice for Job Applicants
- GDPR Privacy Notice for Staff
- GDPR rectification of data request form
- GDPR rectification of data response letter
- GDPR Register of data subject access requests
- GDPR restriction of processing request form
- GDPR restriction of processing response letter
- GDPR subject access request clarification/refusal
- GDPR time extension for data subjects rights response
- GDPR Time extension for subject access response
- Record of personal data processing activities
- Alternative disciplinary sanctions letter
- Capability procedure
- Confirmation of no further disciplinary action
- Confirmation of performance improvement measures
- Delayed grievance investigation letter
- Disciplinary demotion letter
- Disciplinary hearing order of proceedings
- Disciplinary investigation report
- Disciplinary matters and procedures
- Disciplinary procedure
- Dismissal due to poor performance letter
- Dismissal due to unsatisfactory attendance
- Dismissal with notice letter (misconduct)
- Dismissal without notice letter (absent employee)
- Dismissal without notice letter (gross misconduct)
- Dispute resolution
- Employee disciplinary record
- Employee grievance record
- External Witness Statement Request Letter
- Failure to attend disciplinary hearing letter
- Failure to attend grievance meeting letter
- Grievance drafting guidance
- Grievance investigation plan
- Grievance investigation report
- Grievance meeting order of proceedings
- Grievance procedure
- Grievance procedures
- Letter advising appeal is out of time
- Letter appointing a disciplinary investigation manager
- Letter appointing grievance investigation manager
- Letter confirming expiry of a warning
- Letter following disciplinary appeal hearing
- Letter following grievance appeal meeting
- Letter following poor perfomance appeal meeting
- Letter following receipt of medical certificate
- Letter informing employee of grievance against them
- Letter lifting suspension
- Letter notifying outcome of grievance meeting
- Letter offering options for disciplinary hearing
- Letter postponing grievance hearing
- Letter refusing choice of companion
- Letter rejecting repeated grievance
- Letter rescheduling disciplinary hearing
- Letter rescheduling grievance meeting
- Letter to doctor
- Letter to sick employee confirming disciplinary hearing
- List of gross misconduct offences
- Minutes of disciplinary hearing
- Minutes of grievance meeting
- No action after disciplinary investigation
- Noitification of disciplinary investigation
- Notice of absence management appeal meeting
- Notice of disciplinary appeal hearing
- Notice of grievance appeal meeting
- Notice of performance review meeting
- Notice of poor performance appeal meeting
- Notice of SOSR or Statutory Bar Appeal Meeting
- Notification of disciplinary hearing
- Notification of grievance meeting
- Performance review meeting
- Reply to retraction of grievance
- Request to attend investigatory meeting
- Request to witness to attend disciplinary hearing
- Response to ex-employee's grievance
- Retraction of grievance form
- Suspension letter
- Warning/final warning of poor performance
- Warning/final warning of unsatisfactory attendance
- Witness Statement Record
- Workplace companion confidentiality agreement
- Written warning and final written warning
- Age discrimination
- Disability agreed adjustment record
- Disability discrimination
- Discrimination
- Gender reassignment
- Harassment
- Letter acknowledging harassment complaint
- Race discrimination
- Sex discrimination
Flexible working
- Flexible working
- Hybrid working
- Annual leave
- Letter proposing a change of holiday year
- Reminder to take holiday
- Reply to request to carry over holiday
- Response to request to cancel or amend holiday
- Absence management appeal meeting response
- Access to work memo
- Advance notice of cash shortges and stock deficiences
- Agency worker day one rights response letter
- Appraisal procedure and form
- Assessment of potential for promotion
- Ballot form for the election of employee reps
- Bonus payment letter
- Bribery report form
- Business relocation letter
- Change of circumstances form
- Charity cake bake rules letter
- Client handover sheet
- Compassionate leave rejection letter
- Corporate hospitality report form
- Data processor letter
- Death benefit expression of wish form
- Election for extended hire period for agency worker
- Election for quarantine period for agency worker
- Election to pay transfer fee for agency worker
- Eligible jobholders automatic enrolment letter
- Employee absence record form
- Employee weekly timesheet
- Employment overview record
- Equal Opportunities Training Record
- EU settlement scheme reminder letter
- Expenses claim form
- Extension of flexible working decsion period
- Extension of probationary period letter
- Failure to return from holiday letter
- Fair piece rate notice
- Holiday request form
- Homeworking checklist
- Ineligible for flexible working letter
- Informal meeting request
- Internal announcement of employee's return
- Invitation to staff to nomination themselves as employee reps
- Invite to absent employee to work related event
- Itemised pay statement
- Key information document for agency workers
- lay-off or short time letter
- Letter acknowledging whistleblowing disclosure
- Letter asking about secondary work
- Letter declining a career break
- Letter discussing removal of health risks during pregnancy
- Letter explaining time of for fertility treatment
- Letter extending furlough
- Letter for entitled workers
- Letter for non-eligible jobholders
- Letter for workers already in a qualifying pension
- Letter imposing a lay-off or short time working
- Letter informing agency worker of righs after twelve weeks
- Letter providing NMW statement
- Letter rejecting annual leave request
- Letter rejecting expenses claim
- Letter rejecting time off for religious festival
- Letter rejecting time of for elective medical procedure
- Letter requesting basic disclosure certificate
- Letter requesting employee work longer notice period
- Letter requiring removal of social media posts
- Letter rescheduling performance review meeting
- Letter seeking recovery of training costs
- Letter to discuss end of apprenticeship
- Letter to employee on retirement
- Letter to employee's emergency contact
- Letter to employee who is imposing strong beliefs
- Letter to ex-employee about personal belongings
- Letter to ex-employee threating to conatct ICO
- Letter to new employer enforcing restrictive covenants
- Letter to next of kin on death of employee
- Letter to staff before a TUPE transfer
- Letter to staff following a share purchase
- Letter to staff following a TUPE transfer
- Loan application form
- Mediation Checklist
- National living wage advice letter
- Night workers health questionnaire
- Notice of return from furlough
- Notice of return to normal working
- Notice of staff meeting outside normal working hours
- Notice to discuss dress policy breach
- Notice to take annual leave
- Notification of pay freeze letter
- Notification of probation period review meeting
- Offer of voluntary internship letter
- Overpayment of wages letter
- Overpayment of wages letter for ex-employee
- Performance progress record
- Personal data subject access request clarification
- Personal data subject access request form
- Personal data subject access response letter
- Policy version form
- Possible business relocation letter
- Preserving staff dignity statement
- Probation review form
- Processing of personal data consent form
- Promotion letter
- Real living wage increase advice letter
- Reply to request to convert holiday to sickness absence
- Request to buy or sell holiday form
- Request to carry over holiday form
- Response to invalid flexible working request
- Retention bonus letter
- Rights after loss of pregnancy letter
- Road incident form
- Salary review letter
- Satisfactory probationary period letter
- Self appraisal form
- Social distancing reminder memo
- Special leave request form
- Staff discounts record
- Staff handbook guidelines
- Sunday trading statutory rights statement
- Suspension on medical grounds letter
- Time off for public duties letter
- Time off in lieu form
- Time of for jury service letter
- Training feedback form
- Transgender action plan
- Trial flexible working arrangement extension letter
- TUPE consultation letter
- TUPE election for pre-transfer consultation
- TUPE employee liability information letter
- TUPE employee rep role explanation letter
- TUPE request for details of proposed measures letter
- Unauthorised absence letter
- Whistleblowing at work training notes
- Whistleblowing form
- Whistleblowing training record
Non-contractual policies and procedures
- Adoption leave and pay
- Anti-slavery and human trafficking policy
- Appraisal policy
- Appraisals
- Attendance procedure
- Bereavement policy
- Birthday Policy
- Bonus payment clause
- Bring your own device policy
- Buying and selling holiday policy
- Canteen facilities
- Capability procedure
- Career breaks
- Cars and car allowances
- Cashback websites policy
- Cash handling policy
- Clear desk
- Criminal offences committed by staff policy
- Dignity at work policy
- Disciplinary procedure
- Disclosures in the public interest
- Domestic abuse policy
- Domestic emergencies policy
- Employee of the month policy
- Employee referral scheme policy
- English only policy
- Enhanced redundancy payments policy
- Equal opportunities policy
- Fire safety
- First aiders payment policy
- Flexible working
- Food at desks policy
- GDPR data protection policy
- Grievance procedure
- Health and safety
- Homeworking policy
- Hybrid working policy
- Induction policy
- Internal fraud policy
- Listening to music policy
- Loans policy
- Long service awards policy
- Maternity leave and pay
- Medical and dental appointments policy
- Menopause policy
- Non-contractual policies & procedures
- Notice periods policy
- Parental bereavement leave policy
- Parental leave
- Paternity leave and pay
- Payroll giving policy
- Petty cash policy
- Pool car policy
- Promotion
- Provision of accommodation
- Recruitment
- Redundancy
- Religious observance policy
- Relocation
- Remote/homeworking
- Resignation
- Retirement
- Season ticket loans
- Staff discounts
- Stress and mental wellbeing policy
- Stress at work
- Time off for dependants
- Training and development
- Training costs agreement
- Transgender equality policy
- Vaccination policy
- Version control
- Volunteer and charity work policy
Pay and conditions
- National minimum wage
- Overpayment of wages repayment receipt letter
- Pay and conditions
- Recalculation of maternity pay letter
- Academic qualifications request
- Agency staff
- Application form
- Character reference questionnaire
- Equal opportunities monitoring form
- Equal opportunities statement
- Illegal working prevention letter
- Induction
- Induction Checklist
- Instruction to supply temporary worker
- Internal statement announcing new employee
- Interview and rejection letters
- Interview expenses claim form
- Invitation to attend interview letter
- Job description and person specification
- Job trial offer letter
- Letter advising social media will be disregarded
- Letter confirming membership of professional body
- Letter enclosing contract of employment
- Letter enquiring about reasonable adjustments
- Letter requesting basic disclosure certificate
- Letter Withdrawing Conditional Offer of Employment
- Letter withdrawing offer of appointment
- Making a job offer checklist
- New starter form
- Offer of appointment letter
- Offer of paid internship letter
- Offer of re-employment to redundant ex-employee
- Personal statement review helpsheet
- Pre-employment medical questionnaire
- Previous employment confirmation request
- Professional qualifications rrequest
- Recruitment
- Recruitment authorisation form
- Recruitment policy
- Reference reply
- Reference request
- References consent form
- References policy
- Rejection of candidate after interview letter
- Rejection of candidate before interview letter
- Relocation policy
- Response to unsolicited CV
- Right to work checklist
- Verification of qualifications consent form
- Collective consultation letter
- Counter-notice
- Electing employee representatives
- Employee rep role explanation letter
- Enhanced redundancy payments policy
- First redundancy consultation letter
- Letter confirming employee not redundant
- Letter seeking agreement to reduce pay
- Letter to wider workforce about redundancy situation
- Nomination letter
- Notification of potential redundancy meeting
- Notification of redundancy appeal meeting
- Objection to early departure on redundancy
- Offer of alternative work
- Offer of alternative work during family leave
- Redundancy
- Redundancy appeal meeting confirmation
- Redundancy payment calculation form
- Redundancy payments ready reckoner
- Redundancy policy
- Redundancy selection assessment
- Redundancy termination notice
- Refusal of suitable alternative work letter
- Reply to resignation during lay-off or short time working
- Second redundancy consultation letter
- Selection criteria
- Successful trial period in alternative work
- Time off to look for work on redundancy letter
- Unsuccessful trial period in alternative work
- Voluntary redundancy termination notice
- Volunteer for redundancy acceptance letter
- Withdrawing redundancy notice letter
Sickness absence
- Consent to medical report follow up request
- Consent to obtain medical report letter
- Conversion of sickness absence to holiday form
- Employees attendance request letter
- Fit for work acknowledgement letter
- Fit for work referral consent letter
- Fit for work telephone referral
- Fitness for work self-declaration form
- Letter chasing statement of fitness for work
- Letter confirming medical report application
- Letter confirming temporary work alterations
- Letter enclosing Form SSP1
- Letter notifying Reversion to Statutory Sick Pay
- Letter recrediting annual leave
- Letter requesting visit with sick employee
- Letter to sick employee requesting contact
- Letter treating uncertified sickness absence as unauthorised
- Letter withdrawing SSP
- Long-term incapacity dismissal appeal
- Long-term incapacity dismissal letter
- long-term incapacity letter
- Long-term incapacity meeting letter
- Medical examination request to independent doctor
- Meeting request following long term incapacity
- Not fit for work acknowledgement letter
- Notice of absence managment meeting
- Record of home visit with sick employee
- Remain at home letter
- Request for medical report
- Return to work interview form
- Self-certification of sickness absence form
- Sickness absence
- Sickness absence policy
- Agreement for loan repayment
- Compromise agreement
- Compromise agreement letter
- Confirmation of dismissal for SOSR
- Confirmation of dismissal statutory bar
- Dismissal due to redundancy letter
- Dismissal for unsatisfactory performance
- Dismissal probationary period letter
- Early release from notice letter
- Employee belongings
- Employee property
- Ex gratia termination payment receipt
- Exit questionnaire
- Fixed-term contract expiry dismissal letter
- Frustration of contract letter
- Intended retirement date letter
- Internal statement announcing employee's departure
- Letter advising employee has left
- Letter confirming no compulsory redundancies necessary
- Letter retracting heat of the moment dismissal
- Letter to accompany settlement agreement
- Letter to discuss resignation
- Meeting for possible dismissal
- Miscellaneous
- Notice of potential dismissal (FTC Expiry)
- Notice of Potential Dismissal (SOSR or Satutory Bar)
- Notice to take holiday during notice period
- Notification of appeal meeting
- Notification of potential dismissal meeting
- Notification of retirement appeal meeting
- Notification of retirement meeting
- Outcome of appeal meeting letter
- Outcome of retirement meeting letter
- Proposal to dismiss and re-employ on new terms
- Request to work beyond retirement
- Resignation policy
- Response to Retirement Notification
- Response to verbal resignation
- Response to written resignation
- Retirement appeal letter
- Retirement form
- Retirement policy
- Settlement agreement
- Settlement agreement proposal checklist
- Statement of reasons for dismissal
- Termination
- Withdrawal of resignation acceptance
- Withdrawal of resignation rejection
Terms and conditions of employment
- Agency workers policy
- Car or car allowances clause
- Commission
- Confidentiality
- Flexible job duties
- Garden leave
- GDPR Employee monitoring clause
- Intellectual property
- Lay off and short-time working
- Letter chasing agreement to vary employment terms
- Miscellaneous
- Mobility/relocation
- Notice
- Notification of probation period review
- Outside business interests
- Pay in lieu of notice Clause
- Payslips
- Probation period
- Real living wage
- Requirement to travel
- Rest periods and rest break clause
- Retirement
- Statement of employment particulars checklist
- Sunday working
- Terms and conditions of employment
- Unmeasured worker daily average agreement
Time off
- Carer's leave
- Time off
- TUPE employee liability information letter
- TUPE Employee reps election result notice
- TUPE Provision of proposed measures letter
Work & parents
- Acknowledgement of discontinuous periods of SPL
- Acknowledgement of intended adoption leave
- Acknowledgement of intended maternity leave
- Acknowledgement of single period of SPL
- Adoption appointment eligibility declaration
- Adoption leave and pay policy
- Adoption leave request form
- Antenatal appointment eligibility decalration
- Approval of parental leave request
- Approval of paternity leave request
- Birth notice for paternity leave
- Breastfeeding arrangements letter
- Change of adoption leave request
- Change of maternity leave request
- Change of paternity leave request
- Change of shared parental leave request
- Declaration of consent and entitlement to SPL
- Failure to return from maternity leave letter
- Family emergencies absence form
- Flexible working acceptance letter
- Flexible working application form
- Flexible working policy
- Flexible working rejection letter
- Flexible working request meeting letter
- Insufficient notice of paternity leave
- Insufficient notice of return from maternity leave
- Job vacancy during parent-related leave
- Letter asking for Evidence of Eligibility for Additional Paternity Leave
- Letter confirming flexible working request withdrawn
- Letter confirming trial flexible working arrangement
- Letter inviting employee to attend a SPLIT day
- Letter notifying change to maternity leave dates
- Letter postponing parental leave
- Letter refusing discontinuous periods of SPL
- Letter requesting evidence for SPL
- Letter suspending an employee during pregnancy
- Letter to confirm parental bereavement leave
- Letter to employee on maternity leave
- Letter triggering maternity leave due sickness
- Maternity leave/adoption leave curtailment notice
- Maternity leave plan
- Maternity, paternity, adoption, parental
- Maternity policy
- Notice of entitlement for shared parental leave
- Not returning from maternity leave letter
- Offer of suitable alternative work in pregnancy
- Outcome of flexible working appeal letter
- Parental bereavement leave and pay form
- Parental leave policy
- Parental leave request form
- Paternity leave policy
- Paternity leave request form
- Paternity rights following loss of pregnancy letter
- Periods of leave notice for shared parental leave
- Pregnancy related absence form
- Refusal of a parental leave request
- Reply to keeping in touch day request
- Reply to request for early return from maternity leave
- Response to amendment of flexible working application
- Response to antenatal appointment request
- Return from maternity reminder letter
- Revocation of curtailment notice for SPL
- Shared parental leave policy
- SMP ineligibility letter
- Time off for dependants policy
- Time off for fertility treatment
- Trial flexible working arrangement letter
- Staff toilet upkeep memo
- Workplace
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