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Tax for Professionals

Every month see how to save tax with our detailed advice plus the follow-up steps on how to implement it

Tax for Professionals is... 

A digital newsletter: to

  • Ensure your clients pay the least amount of tax possible in a legally safe way
  • Provide your clients with reliable and practical tax advice
  • Be able to answer any queries your clients have
  • Keep abreast of the latest tax changes
  • Understand the consequences of new tax legislation and case law
  • Have a series of ready-to-use tools and calculators, letters and source material close at hand

A unique concept...

  • Easy-to-apply advice and solutions
  • Detailed advice delivered in clear language
  • 100% safe to use
  • Completely independent advice

A unique collaboration between

  • Our in-house experts
  • A broad network of specialists who are experts in their fields

We've created this newsletter for... 

  • Tax professionals
  • Tax advisors
  • Accountants

Extras with our advice... 

Quarterly bulletin Practice Points

  • More detailed information and worked examples on a particular tax-saving strategy
  • Use it to deepen your tax knowledge even further

Ready-to-use documents, letters, checklists...

  • Get the most from our advice in practice
  • Customisable to suit your personal circumstances


  • Quickly calculate the most tax-effective solution
  • Compare different options and choose the best one

Examples and source material

  • So you can be sure your position is legally secure

Download these extras quickly and easily at tips-and-advice.co.uk.

Here are some of the topics we cover:


  • Bad debts
  • Basis period
  • Case law
  • Checking
  • Errors
  • Fees
  • FRS
  • Generally accepted accounting practice
  • Investigation
  • Miscellaneous
  • Writing off


  • Averaging election
  • Herd basis

Bank accounts

  • Funding
  • Interest
  • Investigations
  • Joint accounts
  • Offshore
  • Personal
  • Returns


  • Assets
  • Benefits-in-kind
  • Cars
  • Company-owned
  • Earnings limit
  • Miscellaneous
  • P11d notices
  • Personal
  • Reclaiming VAT
  • Records
  • Remuneration package
  • Travel
  • Trivial
  • Vans


  • Brexit

Business status

  • Incorporation

Capital allowances

  • Annual Investment Allowance
  • Business property relief
  • Business purchase
  • Cars
  • Construction
  • Enhanced capital allowances
  • Environmentally beneficial
  • First year
  • Fixtures and fittings
  • Industrial buildings allowance
  • Intangible asset
  • Miscellaneous
  • Plant and Equipment
  • Writing down
  • Year-end planning

Capital gains tax

  • Allowances
  • Annual exemption
  • Antiques
  • Business property
  • Case law
  • Distribution on winding up
  • Divorce/separation
  • Domestic property
  • Enterprise investment scheme
  • Entrepreneurs' Relief
  • Exemption
  • Foreign exchange gains
  • Gifts
  • Goodwill
  • Holdover
  • Home as office
  • Husband/wife
  • Indexation Allowance
  • Joint ownership
  • Losses
  • Market value
  • Miscellaneous
  • Negligible value
  • Offshore funds
  • Part disposals
  • Private residence relief
  • Reporting
  • Roll-over relief
  • Shares
  • Social investment tax relief
  • Taper relief
  • Tax bands
  • Tax breaks
  • Valuation
  • Wine
  • Year-end planning


  • Advisory fuel rates
  • Allowances
  • Authorised Mileage Rate
  • Benefits-in-kind
  • Capital allowances
  • CO2 emissions
  • Family members
  • Leasing
  • Loans
  • Miscellaneous
  • Private use
  • Scale charge
  • Vans
  • VAT


  • Bank accounts
  • Child benefit
  • Childcare vouchers
  • Company car
  • Education funding
  • Gift
  • High income child benefit
  • Inheritance tax
  • Investments
  • Personal allowance
  • Tax credit
  • Tax planning
  • Trusts

Civil partner

  • Divorce


  • Associated
  • ATED
  • Close
  • Companies House
  • Corporation tax
  • Demergers
  • Dividends
  • Foreign
  • Incorporation
  • Loans
  • Miscellaneous
  • Moving profits
  • Offshore
  • Purchasing
  • Selling a company


  • CIS scheme


  • News
  • Support schemes

Corporation tax

  • Accounting period
  • Allowances
  • Annual return
  • Associated companies
  • Deductions
  • Disincorporation
  • Gifts
  • Goodwill
  • Joint companies
  • Losses
  • Miscellaneous
  • Offshore
  • Payment bands
  • R&D relief
  • Relief
  • Sponsorship
  • Tax bands
  • Transfer pricing
  • Year-end planning


  • Capital Gains Tax
  • Corporation tax
  • Income tax
  • Inheritance tax


  • Distribution
  • Husband and wife
  • Illegal dividends
  • Maximum
  • Miscellaneous
  • Non-corporate
  • Timing
  • Vouchers
  • Waivers
  • Year-end planning


  • Allowable capital losses
  • Non dom


  • Allowances
  • Benefits
  • Capital allowances
  • Casual
  • Children
  • Contractors
  • Directors
  • Disabled
  • Dividends
  • Employment status
  • Expenses
  • Foreign
  • Freelancers
  • Gifts to
  • Income tax
  • Loans to
  • Maternity leave
  • Miscellaneous
  • National Insurance
  • P11D
  • P35
  • Parental leave
  • PAYE
  • Records
  • Self-employed
  • Statutory maternity pay
  • Statutory sick pay
  • Tax codes
  • Temps
  • Termination
  • Training


  • Assessments
  • Bank account enquiries
  • Fishing letters
  • Inspectors' visits
  • Interest
  • Investigations
  • Miscellaneous
  • Penalties
  • Taxman's rights
  • Tribunals


  • Allowances
  • Business
  • Case law
  • Employees
  • Expenses
  • Miscellaneous
  • Tax-free limits
  • Third party
  • VAT


  • Allowances
  • Annual returns
  • Benefits-in-kind
  • Case law
  • Dispensations
  • Home as office
  • Medical
  • Miscellaneous
  • Payment
  • Records
  • Repairs/renewals
  • Travel
  • VAT


  • Raising finance


  • Capital gains tax
  • Charitable
  • Children
  • Employee
  • Gift aid scheme
  • Inheritance tax
  • Miscellaneous

Green taxes

  • Plastic packaging tax


  • Administration
  • Announcements
  • Appeals against
  • Budget
  • Clearances
  • Dealing with generally
  • Enforcement
  • Errors
  • Forms
  • Guidance
  • Identity theft
  • Interest rates
  • Internal review
  • Making tax digital
  • Miscellaneous
  • Payments
  • Procedure
  • Repayments
  • Self-assessment

Husband and wife companies

  • Dividends
  • Divorce
  • Income shifting
  • Income splitting
  • Inheritance tax
  • Interest split
  • Joint property
  • Miscellaneous

Income tax

  • Allowances
  • Assessments
  • Capital gains tax
  • Cars/fuel
  • Case law
  • Children
  • Codes
  • Deadlines
  • Dividend timing
  • Gift aid
  • Gifts
  • Loans
  • Losses
  • Miscellaneous
  • Overpayment
  • Payment methods
  • Payments on account
  • Penalties
  • Personal allowance
  • Rates
  • Relief
  • Repayments
  • Returns
  • Scottish rate of income tax
  • Student loans
  • Tax avoidance schemes
  • Tax credits
  • Underpayment
  • Welsh rate of income tax

Inheritance tax

  • Agricultural property relief
  • Annual exemption
  • Business property relief
  • Case law
  • Deeds of variation
  • Enduring power of attorney
  • Exemption
  • Gifts
  • Insurance
  • Joint accounts
  • Marriage
  • Miscellaneous
  • Nil-rate band
  • Offshore
  • Potentially exempt transfers
  • Pre-owned assets
  • Property transfers
  • Quick succession relief
  • Returns
  • Syndicate agreement
  • Trusts
  • Using a will
  • Valuation


  • Bond
  • Claim
  • Fee protection
  • Life
  • Permanent health
  • Recovery


  • AIM stocks
  • Allowances
  • Bonds
  • Capital gains tax
  • Enterprise investment scheme
  • Exemptions
  • Help to save
  • Interest
  • ISAs
  • Offshore
  • Scams
  • Social investment tax relief
  • Trust funds
  • Unit trusts
  • Venture capital trusts
  • Woodlands
  • Year-end planning


  • Definition of
  • Factors indicative of
  • Payment of tax


  • Bank
  • Benefit-in-kind
  • Directors
  • Employees
  • Family
  • Interest
  • Loan accounts
  • Miscellaneous
  • Mortgages
  • Student loans

Making tax digital

  • General

Married couples

  • Marriage allowance

National Insurance

  • Age exemption
  • Bands
  • Benefits
  • Class 1A
  • Class 2
  • Class 3
  • Earnings periods
  • Earnings threshold
  • Employee status
  • Employment allowance
  • Enforcement
  • Errors
  • Late payment
  • Miscellaneous
  • Overpayments
  • Rates
  • Rebate
  • Rental income
  • Self-employment
  • Six-year rule
  • Voluntary payments


  • Capital allowances
  • Capital gains tax
  • Cars, vans and fuel
  • Coronavirus
  • Corporation tax
  • Expenses
  • HMRC enforcement
  • Income tax
  • Inheritance tax
  • Making Tax Digital
  • National Insurance
  • News
  • Pensions
  • Property
  • Returns, forms and admin
  • Sole traders and partnerships
  • Stamp taxes
  • Status
  • VAT


  • Amnesties
  • Capital gains tax
  • Companies
  • Homes abroad
  • Income tax
  • Investments


  • Limited liability
  • Tax returns


  • Construction industry scheme
  • Employees' obligations to pay
  • Overpayments
  • P11Dd
  • Payment of via deductions
  • Payroll software
  • RTI
  • Taxable earnings
  • Underpayment of tax


  • Direct deductions
  • Payment options
  • Repayments
  • Tax summaries


  • Appealing against
  • Careless or deliberate
  • CIS scheme
  • Interest
  • Money laundering
  • RTI
  • Self employed


  • A-day
  • Allowances
  • Annuity
  • Auto enrolment
  • Contribution limits
  • Pension input periods
  • Personal
  • Relief
  • Schemes
  • SIPPs
  • SSAS
  • Tax-free lump sum
  • Tax rebate

Practice admin

  • Agent authorisation
  • Client contact

Profit extraction

  • Benefits-in-kind
  • Bonuses
  • Capital gains
  • Dividends
  • Miscellaneous
  • Remuneration package
  • Salary
  • Shares


  • Annual tax on enveloped dwellings
  • Business asset taper relief
  • Buy-to-let
  • Capital allowances
  • Capital gains tax
  • Disadvantaged areas
  • Funding
  • Holiday lets
  • Home as office
  • Inheritance tax
  • Joint ownership
  • Lease
  • Letting's relief
  • Lettings relief
  • Main residence
  • Miscellaneous
  • Mixed-use
  • Option to tax
  • Overseas
  • Rental income
  • Repairs/renewals
  • Self-build
  • Stamp duty
  • Transfer
  • VAT


  • Tests


  • CIS returns
  • Company
  • Corporation Tax
  • Deadlines
  • Enforcement
  • Entries
  • Errors
  • Incentives
  • Late submission
  • Miscellaneous
  • Online
  • Paper
  • PAYE
  • Penalties
  • Personal
  • Posting
  • Quality standard
  • VAT

Self assessment

  • Penalties
  • Procedure
  • Trading and property allowances


  • Buy-backs
  • Capital gains tax
  • EMI scheme
  • Employer share schemes
  • Gifting
  • Husband/wife
  • Inheritance tax
  • Loss relief
  • Miscellaneous
  • Negligible value
  • Valuations
  • year-end planning

Stamp Duty

  • Miscellaneous
  • Penalties
  • Rate

Succession planning

  • Family
  • MBO


  • Income tax

Tax credits

  • Tax credits
  • Working tax credits

Tax liability

  • Determination
  • Special relief

Trusts and estates

  • Self assessment


  • VAT


  • Agents
  • Allowances
  • Appeal
  • Assessments
  • Bad debt
  • Barter trade
  • Benefits-in-kind
  • Capital goods scheme
  • Case law
  • Cash accounting
  • Charities
  • Construction
  • Deposits
  • Deregistration
  • E-commerce
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Errors
  • EU sales
  • Exempt supplies
  • Flat rate
  • Global accounting scheme
  • Groups
  • Holding company
  • Input tax
  • Late returns
  • Margin scheme
  • Membership fees
  • Miscellaneous
  • MOSS
  • Option to tax
  • Output tax
  • Partial exemption
  • Payment
  • Periods
  • Prompt payment discount
  • Property
  • Rates
  • Reclaiming
  • Records
  • Registration
  • Returned goods
  • Returns
  • Schemes
  • Self billing
  • Staff clothes/equipment
  • Standard rate
  • Stock value
  • Surcharge
  • TOGC
  • Tribunal
  • Unjust enrichment
  • Voluntary disclosures
  • Zero-rated


  • Benefits
  • Bonuses
  • Directors
  • National Insurance
  • National minimum wage
  • PAYE
  • Pay in lieu of notice
  • Payroll
  • Remuneration packages
  • Sacrifice schemes
  • Sick pay
  • Spouses
  • Tax codes

Digital only - the green way

  • Direct to your inbox by email, every month
  • 24/7 online access to the digital version (website + app)
  • All previously published articles readily available in our online database

In the most recent issue you'll find advice on...

Year 11 - issue 3 - 27.06.2024


Change to refund claim process

The construction industry scheme (CIS) requires contractors to withhold tax from subcontractors. As this is at a flat percentage, overpayments are common. How has HMRC’s refund process changed recently?


What’s new for P11D filing?

You’ve been asked to help some of your clients with P11D reporting for the first time in several years. What recent change do you need to be aware of, and why might a change to your clients’ reporting going forward be useful?


Moving property to a holding company: tax implications

One of your clients has recently put a holding company in place for asset protection purposes and is about to transfer a trading premises to it. What price should the transfer take place at, and what taxes do you need to consider?


How can clients side-step the OpRA rules?

The optional remuneration arrangement (OpRA) rules have been around for several years. They aim to cancel the tax and NI advantages offered by salary sacrifice schemes. But how can clients still secure these advantages for their employees?


Ending a trust tax efficiently

Your client has had a discretionary trust for their children for many years. They are now adults, and following a ten-year charge the client wants to end the trust and distribute the assets to each of them. How can this be done without triggering a tax trap?


Should Scottish clients relocate?

In 2024/25, Scotland has a six-tiered income tax rate system with a top rate of 48%. Will Scottish taxpayers be significantly worse off, and what other factors do clients need to consider if they are looking at relocating?


VAT planning around registration

One of your clients has left their job to start a new business and has asked you if they should register for VAT now, or wait until they have exceeded the compulsory registration threshold. What are the key issues to consider before reaching a decision?


Can tribunal force HMRC to accept late claim?


Was director’s loan correctly written off?

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