Payroll Made Easy - How to Manage Payroll for the Non-expert
A Tips & Advice Special Report about...
In a nutshell
This Special Report guides you through the payroll minefield. It covers everything from recruiting staff to end of year payroll formalities and issuing P45s, all in an easy to understand and follow way. Keep it close to hand to ensure that you meet all the legal requirements in a timely and efficient manner and maintain a happy and motivated workforce.
In detail
Running a payroll brings with it many responsibilities and legal obligations which you ignore at your peril. Get it wrong and you risk falling foul of HMRC and upsetting your staff. That’s why we’ve created this Special Report:
- Demystifies the complex payroll rules and procedures
- Ensures compliance with HMRC requirements
- Written by one of the UK’s leading experts, Kate Upcraft
It also features an online service with ready-to-download documents that support your payroll work.
We've created this Tips & Advice Special Report especially for...
Payroll and HR staff, finance directors that want to:
- Meet all their payroll responsibilities and legal obligations in a safe and effective way
Advisors that want to:
- Help their clients efficiently manage the payroll process in their business
You'll get the following free extras with this Tips & Advice Special Report...
An online service with ready-to-use documents
- To immediately apply our advice and solutions in practice
- That you can easily adapt to suit your own requirements
In this Tips & Advice Special Report you'll read about...
1. Your obligations as an employer
1.1. What’s the difference between an employee, a worker and self-employed status?
1.2. What about IR35?
1.3. What are the basics of employing someone?
1.4. What are our record keeping requirements?
1.5. How do we set up a PAYE scheme?
1.6. What are the basics of real time information (RTI)?
1.7. What are the key definitions and deadlines?
1.8. Where can we find forms and guidance?
1.9. How much do we have to pay someone?
1.10. What do we need to know about our employees to send information to HMRC?
1.11. What is gross pay for tax and NI purposes?
1.12. When is the UK tax year?
1.13. What about devolution and tax?
1.14. What payments must we make to HMRC?
1.15. What do we need to know about payslips?
2. Payroll software and real time information (RTI)
2.1. Do we have to use payroll software?
2.2. How does RTI work in practice?
2.3. What if we’re not paying anybody this week or month?
2.4. What is the deadline for sending our FPS?
2.5. What PAYE penalties do we risk?
2.6. What if we send our FPS late?
2.7. How do we correct a mistake?
2.8. What is a business tax account?
2.9. What is a personal tax account?
3. National Insurance
3.1. What’s the importance of an NI number?
3.2. What are the key NI phrases?
3.3. What is the employment allowance?
3.4. What do we need to know about NI table letters?
3.5. Calculating NI for Freeport tax sites
3.6. What about directors’ NI?
3.7. What are the most common NI mistakes to avoid?
3.8. How do we calculate NI?
4. Tax
4.1. How do tax codes work?
4.2. How do we allocate a tax code to new starters?
4.3. What about special tax codes?
4.4. What if the employee has a P45 but left their old job last year and starts with us in the new tax year?
4.5. What if a P45/starter checklist arrives after we’ve paid someone for the first time?
4.6. What tax relief is available on pensions and charitable giving?
4.7. How do we calculate tax?
4.8. What about employees that are leaving?
5. Statutory payments
5.1. What are statutory payments?
6. Student loans
6.1. What do we need to know about student loans?
7. Apprenticeships and the levy
7.1. What is the apprenticeship levy?
7.2. Using the levy
7.3. Who are apprentices?
8. Workplace pensions
8.1. What are our pensions obligations?
9. Benefits and expenses
9.1. What do we need to know about benefits in kind?
9.2. How do we report benefits?
9.3. And how should we deal with employees’ expenses?
9.4. How should we handle business mileage?
9.5. What are the general rules on business travel?
9.6. What about food?
9.7. What about company cars and pool cars?
9.8. What about loans to employees?
9.9. And anything to know about retail gift vouchers?
10. Year end
10.1. What are the key things we need to do at year end?
10.2. Correcting year-end errors
11. Appendices
11.1. Appendix 1 - Payroll glossary
11.2. Appendix 2 - Benefits in kind
11.3. Appendix 3 - Statutory payments
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