Pensions Auto-enrolment Made Easy
A Tips & Advice Special Report about...
In a nutshell
This fully updated Special Report helps you understand, set up and manage auto-enrolment in your business. It clearly explains how to put a system into place with the minimum of effort and in a legally safe way.
In detail
Every employer has to offer a workplace pension to their staff. Whether you employ 10 or 100 people, you have to put the proper auto-enrolment arrangements in place - or you risk incurring the wrath of The Pensions Regulator, and upsetting your staff.
This Special Report tackles all the key issues related to auto-enrolment, such as:
- How to set up the auto-enrolment process
- What your legal obligations are
- What your workers' rights are
- Who to offer auto-enrolment to
- How much to contribute to your workers' pensions
- How your existing workplace pension scheme fits in
Meeting the auto-enrolment obligations is a challenge for all employers. This Special Report distills all the complicated information into easy to follow advice and will help you tackle auto-enrolment without getting bogged down by the tricky rules.
We've created this Tips & Advice Special Report especially for...
Business owners, personnel, payroll and finance staff, company directors that want to:
- Meet their auto-enrolment obligations in the simplest and least-cost way
Accountants and financial advisors that want to:
- Help their clients put the proper auto-enrolment arrangements into place
You'll get the following free extras with this Tips & Advice Special Report...
An online service with ready-to-use documents
- To immediately apply our advice and solutions in practice
- That you can easily adapt to suit your own requirements
In this Tips & Advice Special Report you'll read about...
1. The Pensions Regulator’s role
2. Auto-enrolment basics
3. Timing your auto-enrolment - the basics
4. Identifying and categorising your workers
5. Employees’ rights to join, opt in and opt out
6. Exceptions to auto-enrolment
7. Postponement or waiting periods
8. Pension schemes
9. Calculating the pension contributions
10. Calculating earnings for auto-enrolment
11. Tax relief on contributions
12. Employee communications
13. Employer compliance
14. Auto-enrolment management
15. Prohibited actions
16. Investment options
17. Example scenarios
A. Ltd - a small company offering architectural services
B. Ltd - builders
C. Associates (an unincorporated business) - stationery suppliers
D. Recruitment Agency Ltd
18. Appendices
Appendix A - Pension scheme providers
Appendix B - Master trust pension schemes
Appendix C - Employee categories for auto-enrolment
Appendix D - NEST pension scheme charges
Appendix E - Records you must keep about your workers
Appendix F - Auto-enrolment postponement letter
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