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Tax Saving for Directors Made Simple

The Indispensable How To Guide

A Tips & Advice book about... 

In a nutshell

This straightforward guide explains how to take care of your tax responsibilities as a director easily and safely, always with one clear goal in mind: to save you time and money. Whether it's to file your VAT return online or claim a corporation tax deduction, this book will show you the correct way to do it.

In detail

Running your own company means getting involved in a wide range of tax issues. You need to be up to speed with the current tax rules and be able to put them into practice. This book will help you handle day-to-day and more complex tax procedures. It explains how to:

  • Make the best use of HMRC's many online services
  • Claim tax reliefs in the right way and at the right time
  • Enter information correctly on your personal and business tax returns
  • Make various tax-saving elections

Plus, we've included a stack of ready-to-use elections and draft letters to speed up the process and make your life even easier.

We've created this Tips & Advice book especially for... 

Company directors that want to:

  • Handle their tax affairs in an efficient and legally secure way
  • Cut their tax bill
  • Save time

Tax advisors that want to:

  • Help their clients handle their tax affairs in the most advantageous ways

You'll get the following free extras with this Tips & Advice Book... 

An online service with ready-to-use documents

  • To immediately apply our advice and solutions in practice
  • That you can easily adapt to suit your own requirements

In this Tips & Advice book you'll read about...

Chapter 1 - HMRC online services

1. How to sign up to HMRC online services for the first time

1.1. Where do you start?

1.2. Completing HMRC online registration and enrolment

1.3. Starting to use HMRC services for the first time

1.4. Signing in

2. How to obtain a new activation code for HMRC’s online services

2.1. What are activation codes?

2.2. Lost or expired activation code

2.3. Obtain a new activation code

2.4. Timing

3. How to add a new HMRC online service to your company’s registration

3.1. Procedure for adding services

3.2. Timing

4. How to sign up and use HMRC’s Business Tax Account

4.1. Who can use HMRC’s Business Tax Account?

4.2. Timing

Chapter 2 - Dividends, salary, benefits and employment expenses

1. How to pay a director’s bonus

1.1. Bonus procedure

1.2. Tax position

1.3. Timing

2. How to claim a tax deduction for business expenses

2.1. Who can claim?

2.2. Method

2.3. Timing

3. How to elect for the alternative method of calculation of a beneficial loan

3.1. Election for the precise method

3.2. HMRC override

3.3. Timing

4. How to create a salary sacrifice arrangement

4.1. Procedure

4.2. Timing

4.3. HMRC clearance

5. How to keep a mileage record

5.1. Recommended information to include

5.2. Other information that would be useful

6. How to pay an interim dividend

6.1. Procedure

6.2. When is an interim dividend paid for tax purposes?

6.3. Timing

7. How to pay a final dividend

7.1. Procedure

7.2. When is a final dividend paid for tax purposes?

7.3. Timing

8. How to waive a dividend

8.1. Procedure for waiving

8.2. Tax consequences

8.3. Timing

9. How to report a beneficial loan for directors and employees

9.1. Reporting requirements

9.2. What to report

9.3. Timing

Chapter 3 - PAYE and payroll and construction industry schemes

1. How to register your company as an employer for PAYE

1.1. Registration process

1.2. Information needed

1.3. Timing

2. How to register as a CIS contractor

2.1. Registration procedure

2.2. Timing

3. How to set up PAYE basic tools

3.1. Procedure to download and set-up

3.2. Timing

4. How to set up a new employee without a P45

4.1. Procedure

4.2. Timing

5. How to set up a new employee with a P45

5.1. Procedure

5.2. Timing

6. How to make an RTI report without an NI number

6.1. Procedure if you don’t know an NI number

6.2. Timing

7. How to make PAYE, CIS and NI deductions

7.1. When is this payable to HMRC?

7.2. Payment procedure

7.3. Timing

8. How to pay HMRC advisory benchmark allowances for UK subsistence

8.1. Procedure

8.2. Who can use benchmark expenses rates?

8.3. Are declarations required for HMRC?

8.4. Timing

9. How to pay scale rate expenses for overseas travel and subsistence

9.1. What’s the procedure?

9.2. Who can use scale rate expenses?

9.3. What evidence do employees need to produce?

9.4. Do scale expenses have to be entered on P11Ds?

9.5. How do you calculate how much you can pay?

9.6. Timing

10. How to pay personal incidental overnight expenses relating to business travel

10.1. Reimbursing incidental expenses

10.2. Records

10.3. Reporting

10.4. Timing

11. How to make a tax and NI-free advance of expenses

11.1. Procedure and conditions

11.2. Timing

12. How to pay HMRC’s approved flat rate use-of-home allowance

12.1. Conditions and procedure

12.2. Timing

13. How to report expenses and benefits for directors and Pay Class 1A NI

13.1. Reporting procedure

13.2. Declaration and Class 1A report

13.3. Timing

14. How to reclaim overpaid NI

14.1. Claim or checking procedure

14.2. Timing

15. How to apply the annual earnings period for directors

15.1. Calculation procedure

15.2. The standard annual earnings period

15.3. The alternative method

15.4. RTI requirements

15.5. Timing

Chapter 4 - VAT

1. How to register for VAT online

1.1. Registration options

1.2. Timing

2. How to register for VAT offline

2.1. Registration process

2.2. Timing

3. How to update your company’s VAT records with HMRC

3.1. Notification options

3.2. Timing

4. How to change your company’s VAT status

4.1. Change of legal entity

4.2. Timing

5. How to apply for group VAT registration

5.1. Application procedure

5.2. More information

5.3. Timing

6. How to apply for divisional VAT registration

6.1. Application procedure

6.2. More information

6.3. Timing

7. How to apply to use the VAT flat rate scheme

7.1. Application procedure

7.2. More information

7.3. Timing

8. How to opt out of the VAT flat rate scheme

8.1. Procedure to opt out

8.2. Timing

9. How to join the VAT cash accounting scheme

9.1. Procedure to join

9.2. Timing

10. How to use a VAT retail scheme

10.1. Joining a retail scheme

10.2. Leaving a retail scheme

10.3. Point of sale scheme

10.4. Apportionment schemes

10.5. Direct calculation schemes

10.6. Sector-specific schemes

10.7. Bespoke schemes

10.8. Timing

11. How to adopt the VAT annual accounting scheme

11.1. Procedure for opting

11.2. More information

11.3. Timing

12. How to adopt a special method for VAT partial exemption

12.1. Procedure

12.2. More information

12.3. Timing

13. How to opt to tax a property (make rent etc. liable to VAT)

13.1. Procedure

13.2. Timing

14. How to withdraw the option to tax

14.1. Procedure - within six months of making the option

14.2. Procedure - after the option has been in place for 20 years

14.3. Timing

15. How to use the VAT flat rate fuel charge

15.1. Applying the flat rate

15.2. Timing

Chapter 5 - Corporation tax

1. How to register a company with HMRC

1.1. Notification procedure

1.2. Timing

2. How to notify HMRC that your company is dormant

2.1. Notification procedure

2.2. Timing

3. How to notify HMRC that your company is active

3.1. Notification procedure

3.2. Timing

4. How to file company accounts with HMRC

4.1. Filing company accounts options

4.2. Before you can file corporation tax returns

4.3. Timing

5. How to amend a corporation tax return

5.1. Amendment procedure

5.2. Timing

6. How to claim trading losses against trading income in later years

6.1. Claim procedure

6.2. Timing

7. How to claim pre-incorporation losses against company income

7.1. Claim procedure

7.2. Timing

8. How to claim a deduction for pre-trading expenses

8.1. Procedure for claiming

8.2. Timing

9. How to claim trading losses against current year’s income

9.1. Claim procedure

9.2. Timing

10. How to claim trading losses against total income of earlier years

10.1. Claim procedure

10.2. Timing

11. How to claim losses when a business ceases - terminal loss relief

11.1. Claim procedure

11.2. Timing

12. How to claim group relief for losses

12.1. How to claim group relief

12.2. Timing

Chapter 6 - Capital allowances

1. How to make a short-life asset election

1.1. Conditions and procedure

1.2. Timing

2. How to claim the annual investment allowance (AIA)

2.1. Procedure

2.2. Timing

3. How to elect for capital allowances on equipment fixed to buildings

3.1. Procedure

3.2. Timing

4. How to elect to use tax written down values on transfer of a business

4.1. Procedure

4.2. Timing

Chapter 7 - Directors’ personal tax

1. How to register for self-assessment as a director

1.1. Registration process

1.2. What next?

1.3. Timing

2. How to amend your tax code

2.1. Timing

3. How to claim higher rate relief for pension contributions

3.1. Occupational pension scheme contributions

3.2. Personal pension plan contributions

3.3. Retirement annuity contracts

3.4. Timing

4. How to reduce your self-assessment payments on account

4.1. Procedure

4.2. Timing

5. How to claim an income tax refund

5.1. Claim process

5.2. How to get refunds repaid

5.3. Timing

6. How to claim tax relief for homeworking expenses

6.1. Procedure

6.2. Timing

7. How to claim interest on a business loan

7.1. Claiming the interest

7.2. Making a claim before the tax year has ended

7.3. Making a claim after the tax year has ended

7.4. Other conditions

7.5. Timing

8. How to defer Class 1 NI contributions

8.1. Deferment procedure

8.2. Information required

8.3. What happens next year?

8.4. Timing

9. How to use unused pensions tax allowance from earlier years

9.1. Claiming unused pensions allowance from earlier years

9.2. Timing

10. How to declare and pay a pensions annual allowance charge

10.1. Payment procedure

10.2. Calculating the charge

10.3. Timing

11. How to elect to be taxed on joint income

11.1. Procedure

11.2. Timing

12. How to claim enterprise investment scheme (EIS) relief

12.1. Procedure

12.2. Timing

13. How to carry back tax relief for the EIS

13.1. Procedure for EIS shares issued in 2022/23

13.2. Procedure for EIS shares issued in 2021/22

13.3. Timing

14. How to claim seed enterprise investment scheme (SEIS) relief

14.1. Procedure

14.2. Timing

15. How to carry back tax relief for the SEIS

15.1. Procedure for SEIS shares issued in 2022/23

15.2. Procedure for SEIS shares issued in 2021/22

15.3. Timing

Chapter 8 - Buying and selling a business

1. How to claim business asset disposal relief

1.1. Procedure for claiming relief

1.2. Timing

2. How to claim negligible value CGT relief for your company’s shares

2.1. What is a negligible value claim?

2.2. Who can claim?

2.3. What are the time limits?

2.4. Form of claim

2.5. Claim for an earlier year

2.6. Claim for current tax year

3. How to claim income tax relief for a capital loss

3.1. Procedure

3.2. Timing

4. How to elect for BADR to apply to qualifying corporate bonds

4.1. Procedure

4.2. Timing

5. How to defer (holdover) a capital gain on the transfer of shares in a company

5.1. Procedure

5.2. Timing

6. How to roll over a capital gain following the sale of business assets

6.1. Procedure

6.2. Timing

Chapter 9 - Other claims and procedures

1. How to create a loan agreement with a director

1.1. Procedure

1.2. Timing

2. How to challenge an HMRC assessment ruling or decision for direct tax

2.1. Appealing against a decision or assessment

2.2. Appeal procedure

2.3. How are appeals settled?

2.4. More information

2.5. Timing

3. How to challenge an HMRC assessment ruling or decision for indirect tax

3.1. Appealing against a decision or assessment

3.2. Alternative first step before making an appeal to the First-tier Tribunal

3.3. The review process

3.4. Important note

3.5. More information

3.6. Timing

4. How to complain about HMRC’s services

4.1. Complaints process

4.2. Adjudication

4.3. Parliamentary Ombudsman

4.4. Financial compensation

4.5. Timing

5. How to obtain clearance for a transaction from HMRC

5.1. Procedure

5.2. Timing

6. How to postpone payment of tax relating to an HMRC assessment or decision

6.1. Procedure

6.2. Timing

7. How to pay tax bills without a payslip

7.1. Corporation tax

7.2. Multiple payments by CHAPS

7.3. VAT


7.5. PAYE tax and NI payments

8. How to apply to use HMRC’s alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process

8.1. Who can use ADR?

8.2. Application process

8.3. Is ADR right for you?

8.4. Agreeing to the process

8.5. What effect does ADR have on your dispute with HMRC?

8.6. Timing

9. How to appeal to the First-tier Tribunal

9.1. To access the FTT

9.2. How do you present a case?

9.3. What documents should you have at a hearing?

9.4. Must you be represented?

9.5. Timing

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