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Tips & Advice Tax

Your fortnightly guide to practical tax savings

Tips & Advice Tax is... 

A newsletter: available on paper and/or digitally to

  • Keep your company’s tax bill down
  • Stay up to date with changes to tax law and practice
  • Understand the consequences of changes to tax law
  • Deal with your advisor on equal terms
  • Free up more time to manage your business

A unique concept...

  • Easy-to-apply advice and solutions
  • Short and simple - in clear language
  • 100% safe to use
  • Completely independent advice

A unique collaboration between

  • Our in-house experts
  • A broad network of specialists who are experts in their fields

We've created this newsletter for... 

  • Company directors/owner managers
  • Finance staff
  • Tax advisors
  • Accountants

Extras with our advice... 

Ready-to-use documents, letters, checklists...

  • Get the most from our advice in practice
  • Customisable to suit your personal circumstances


  • Quickly calculate the most tax-effective solution
  • Compare different options and choose the best one

Examples and source material

  • So you can be sure your position is legally secure

Download these extras quickly and easily via the digital version of this newsletter.

Here are some of the topics we cover:


  • Bad debts
  • Basis period
  • Case law
  • Cash basis
  • Checking
  • Errors
  • Fees
  • Final accounts for business
  • FRS
  • Generally accepted accounting practice
  • Investigation
  • Miscellaneous
  • Overlap relief
  • Post cessation receipts
  • Stock
  • Writing off


  • Accelerated payment notice (APN)
  • anti-avoidance rules
  • Company wind-up
  • Disguised remuneration
  • HMRC Spotlights
  • Notifiable avoidance schemes
  • Partnerships

Bank accounts

  • Funding
  • Interest
  • Investigations
  • Joint accounts
  • Offshore
  • Personal
  • Returns


  • Assets
  • Benefits-in-kind
  • Cars
  • Company-owned
  • Cycle-to-work
  • Earnings limit
  • Employer loans
  • Exempt benefits
  • Exempt benefits in kind
  • For shareholders
  • In-house benefits
  • Making good
  • Miscellaneous
  • Mobile phones
  • NI contributions
  • P11d notices
  • PAYE settlement agreements
  • Payrolling benefits
  • Personal
  • Reclaiming VAT
  • Records
  • Relocation costs
  • Remuneration package
  • Staff discounts
  • Travel
  • Trivial
  • Vans


  • Mileage allowance


  • Brexit

Business rates

  • Enviromental improvement relief
  • Revaluation
  • Vacant premises

Business status

  • Incorporation
  • Trading or investment business

Capital allowances

  • Abortive expenditure
  • Annual Investment Allowance
  • Business property relief
  • Business purchase
  • Cars
  • Construction
  • Employees and directors
  • Enhanced capital allowances
  • Environmentally beneficial
  • First year
  • Fixtures and fittings
  • Full expensing
  • Industrial buildings allowance
  • Intangible asset
  • Integral features
  • Miscellaneous
  • Plant and Equipment
  • Short-life asset
  • Structures and buildings allowance
  • Writing down
  • Year-end planning

Capital gains tax

  • Allowances
  • Annual exemption
  • Antiques
  • Business asset disposal relief
  • Business property
  • Case law
  • Community infrastructure levy
  • Cryptoassets
  • Deductible expenses
  • Deferred and contingent proceeds
  • Divorce/separation
  • Domestic property
  • Dwellings
  • Earn-outs
  • Enterprise investment scheme
  • Entrepreneurs' Relief
  • Exemption
  • Gifts
  • Goodwill
  • Holdover
  • Home as office
  • Husband/wife
  • Indexation Allowance
  • Instalment proceeds
  • Investors' relief
  • Joint ownership
  • Losses
  • Market value
  • Miscellaneous
  • Negligible value
  • Offshore funds
  • Part disposals
  • Private residence relief
  • Reporting to HMRC
  • Residential property gains
  • Roll-over relief
  • Shares
  • Social investment tax relief
  • Taper relief
  • Tax bands
  • Tax breaks
  • Unascertainable proceeds
  • Valuation
  • Wine
  • Year-end planning


  • Advisory fuel rates
  • Allowances
  • Authorised Mileage Rate
  • Benefits-in-kind
  • Capital allowances
  • Car fuel benefit
  • CO2 emissions
  • Electric cars
  • Family members
  • Leasing
  • Loans
  • Miscellaneous
  • Pool cars
  • Private use
  • Scale charge
  • Simplified expenses
  • Vans
  • VAT


  • Bank accounts
  • Capital gains tax
  • Child benefit
  • Childcare
  • Childcare vouchers
  • Company car
  • Education funding
  • Gift
  • High income child benefit
  • Inheritance tax
  • Investments
  • Personal allowance
  • Tax credit
  • Tax free childcare
  • Tax planning
  • Trusts


  • CIS deductions
  • CIS returns
  • Subcontractor
  • VAT

Civil partner

  • Divorce


  • Associated
  • Close
  • Companies House
  • Corporation tax
  • Demergers
  • Disincorpration
  • Dividends
  • Foreign
  • Incorporation
  • Loans
  • Miscellaneous
  • Moving profits
  • Offshore
  • Purchasing
  • Reorganisation of share capital
  • Selling a company
  • Substantial shareholding exemption
  • Winding up


  • CIS scheme
  • IR35


  • Government support payments
  • News

Corporation tax

  • Accounting period
  • Allowances
  • Annual return
  • Associated companies
  • Deductions
  • Disincorporation
  • Employer pension contributions
  • Gifts
  • Goodwill
  • Joint companies
  • Loan relationship
  • Loans to directors/shareholders
  • Losses
  • Miscellaneous
  • Offshore
  • Payment bands
  • R&D relief
  • Relief
  • Sponsorship
  • Tax bands
  • Transfer pricing
  • Year-end planning


  • Corporation tax exemption
  • Distribution
  • Husband and wife
  • Illegal dividends
  • Income tax
  • Interim or final
  • Maximum
  • Miscellaneous
  • Non-corporate
  • Timing
  • Vouchers
  • Waivers
  • Year-end planning


  • Non dom


  • Knowledge intensive companies
  • Shares qualifying period


  • Allowances
  • Benefits
  • Capital allowances
  • Casual
  • Children
  • Compensation payments
  • Contractors
  • Customer tips
  • Damages and compensation
  • Directors
  • Disabled
  • Dividends
  • Employing family members
  • Employment status
  • Expenses
  • Foreign
  • Freelancers
  • Gifts to
  • Home working
  • Income tax
  • Loans to
  • Maternity leave
  • Minimum wage rates
  • Miscellaneous
  • National Insurance
  • Non-executive directors
  • Non-taxable payments
  • P11D
  • P35
  • Parental leave
  • PAYE
  • Payment in lieu of notice
  • Records
  • Redundancy
  • Salary sacrifice and optional remuneration
  • Self-employed
  • Share schemes
  • Statutory maternity pay
  • Statutory sick pay
  • Tax codes
  • Temps
  • Termination
  • Training
  • Training costs


  • Accelerated payment notice (APN)
  • Assessments
  • Bank account enquiries
  • Closing an enquiry
  • Discovery
  • Fishing letters
  • HMRC information powers
  • Inspectors' visits
  • Interest
  • Investigations
  • Miscellaneous
  • Penalties
  • Taxman's rights
  • Time limits
  • Tribunals


  • Allowances
  • Business
  • Case law
  • Employees
  • Expenses
  • Miscellaneous
  • Tax-free limits
  • Third party
  • VAT

Environmental taxes

  • Landfill tax
  • Plastic packaging tax


  • Allowances
  • Annual returns
  • Bad debt relief
  • Benefits-in-kind
  • Case law
  • Compensation paid
  • Dispensations
  • Home as office
  • Medical
  • Miscellaneous
  • Payment
  • Pre-trading
  • Records
  • Reimbursed to employee
  • Repairs/renewals
  • Simplified motor expenses
  • Subscriptions
  • Subsistence
  • Training costs
  • Travel
  • VAT
  • Wholly and exclusively incurred


  • Cryptoassets
  • Currency transactions
  • Debt factoring
  • Raising finance


  • Business gifts
  • Capital gains tax
  • Charitable
  • Children
  • Employee
  • Gift aid scheme
  • Gifts between spouses
  • Inheritance tax
  • Miscellaneous


  • Administration
  • Alternative dispute resolution
  • Announcements
  • Appeals against
  • Budget
  • Clearances
  • Complaints procedure
  • Contacting HMRC
  • Dealing with generally
  • Digital documents
  • Digital tax services
  • Enforcement
  • Errors
  • Forms
  • Guidance
  • Interest rates
  • Internal review
  • Making tax digital
  • Miscellaneous
  • Payments
  • Procedure
  • Repayments
  • Scam communications
  • Self-assessment
  • Tax conditionality and licencing

Husband and wife companies

  • Dividends
  • Divorce
  • Income shifting
  • Income splitting
  • Inheritance tax
  • Interest split
  • Joint property
  • Miscellaneous

Income tax

  • Allowances
  • Assessments
  • Capital gains tax
  • Cars/fuel
  • Case law
  • Children
  • Codes
  • Deadlines
  • Dividend timing
  • Gift aid
  • Gifts
  • Loans
  • Losses
  • Marriage allowance
  • Miscellaneous
  • Miscellaneous income
  • Overpayment
  • Payment methods
  • Payments on account
  • Penalties
  • Personal allowance
  • Rates
  • Relief
  • Repayments
  • Returns
  • Scottish rate of income tax
  • Tax avoidance schemes
  • Tax credits
  • Underpayment
  • Welsh tax rates


  • Tax implications

Inheritance tax

  • Annual exemption
  • Business property relief
  • Case law
  • Deeds of variation
  • Enduring power of attorney
  • Exemption
  • Fall in value relief
  • Gifts
  • IHT-saving schemes
  • Insurance
  • Joint accounts
  • Marriage
  • Miscellaneous
  • Nil-rate band
  • Offshore
  • Pensions
  • Potentially exempt transfers
  • Pre-owned assets
  • Probate
  • Property transfers
  • Quick succession relief
  • Residence nil rate band
  • Returns
  • Taper relief
  • Trusts
  • Using a will
  • Valuation


  • Bond
  • Claim
  • Fee protection
  • Life
  • Permanent health
  • Recovery

Investments and savings

  • AIM stocks
  • Allowances
  • Bonds
  • Capital gains tax
  • Enterprise investment scheme
  • Exemptions
  • Help-to-Save
  • Insurance investment bonds
  • Interest
  • ISAs
  • Offshore
  • Scams
  • Seed enterprise investment scheme
  • Tax free childcare
  • Tax incentives
  • Top slicing relief
  • Trust funds
  • Unit trusts
  • Venture capital trusts
  • Woodlands
  • Year-end planning


  • Definition of
  • Factors indicative of
  • Off-payroll rules
  • Payment of tax
  • Whose responsibility


  • Capital allowances
  • Polluted or derelict land

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax

  • Leases
  • Rates

Landfill Tax

  • Landfill tax rates


  • Bank
  • Benefit-in-kind
  • Directors
  • Employees
  • Family
  • Interest
  • Interest qualifying for relief
  • Loan accounts
  • Loan charge
  • Loans written off
  • Miscellaneous
  • Mortgages
  • Student loan repayments

Married couples and civil partners

  • Form 17
  • Income splitting
  • Marriage allowance

National Insurance

  • Age exemption
  • Bands
  • Benefits
  • Class 1
  • Class 1A
  • Class 2
  • Class 3
  • Class 4
  • Directors
  • Earnings periods
  • Earnings threshold
  • Employee status
  • Employment allowance
  • Enforcement
  • Errors
  • Late payment
  • Miscellaneous
  • Overpayments
  • Rates
  • Rebate
  • Rental income
  • Self-employment
  • Six-year rule
  • Trading losses
  • Voluntary payments
  • Working abroad


  • Benefits
  • Brexit
  • Business rates
  • Capital allowances
  • Capital gains tax
  • Cars, vans and fuel
  • Companies
  • Construction industry
  • Coronavirus
  • Corporation tax
  • Expenses
  • HMRC
  • Income tax
  • Inheritance tax
  • IR35
  • National Insurance
  • News
  • Offshore
  • Partnerships
  • Payroll
  • Penalties
  • Pensions
  • Property
  • Returns
  • Sole traders
  • Stamp taxes
  • Status
  • VAT


  • Amnesties
  • Capital gains tax
  • Companies
  • Homes abroad
  • Income tax
  • Investments


  • Change in partnership shares
  • Limited liability
  • Mixed partnerships
  • Tax returns
  • VAT
  • Whether partnership exists


  • Construction industry scheme
  • Director's remuneration
  • Employees' obligations to pay
  • End-of-year procedure
  • New employee procedure
  • Overpayments
  • P11Dd
  • Payment in lieu of notice
  • Payment of via deductions
  • Payroll software
  • Payslips
  • PSA
  • Repayments
  • RTI
  • Salary advances
  • Student loans
  • Taxable earnings
  • Tax codes
  • Temporary and casual workers
  • Underpayment of tax


  • Capital gains tax
  • CIS scheme
  • Direct deductions
  • Income tax
  • Interest
  • Payment options
  • Repayments
  • RTI
  • Self employed
  • Tax summaries
  • Time to pay agreements
  • VAT


  • Appealing against
  • Careless or deliberate
  • CIS scheme
  • Failure to notify tax liability
  • Interest
  • Late payment penalties
  • RTI
  • Self employed
  • Suspension of penalties
  • Tax deductible
  • VAT


  • A-day
  • Allowances
  • Annual allowance charge
  • Annuity
  • Auto enrolment
  • Contribution limits
  • Employer contributions
  • Employer-paid-for advice
  • IHT
  • In specie contributions
  • Money purchase annual allowance (MPAA)
  • Penalties
  • Pension input periods
  • Pension sharing
  • Personal
  • Recycling
  • Relief
  • Schemes
  • SIPPs
  • Small pot pension
  • SSAS
  • State pension
  • Taking benefits
  • Tax-free lump sum
  • Tax rebate

Practice admin

  • Agent authorisation
  • Client contact

Profit extraction

  • Benefits-in-kind
  • Bonuses
  • Dividends
  • During wind-up
  • Interest
  • Miscellaneous
  • Pension contributions
  • Remuneration package
  • Rent
  • Salary
  • Shares
  • Transfer of assets to or from company


  • Annual tax on enveloped dwellings
  • Business asset taper relief
  • Buy-to-let
  • Capital allowances
  • Capital gains tax
  • Cash basis accounts
  • Community infrastructure levy
  • Damage, loss or destruction of assets
  • Disadvantaged areas
  • Funding
  • Holiday lets
  • Home as office
  • Inheritance tax
  • Joint ownership
  • LBTT
  • Lease
  • Letting expenses
  • Loss relief
  • Main residence
  • Miscellaneous
  • Mixed-use
  • Option to tax
  • Overseas
  • Rental income
  • Rent-a-room relief
  • Repairs/renewals
  • Residency
  • Self-build
  • Stamp duty
  • Transfer
  • VAT
  • Welsh land transaction tax


  • CIS returns
  • Company
  • Corporation Tax
  • Correction and amendment
  • Deadlines
  • Employee benefits and expenses
  • Enforcement
  • Entries
  • Errors
  • For administration of estate
  • Incentives
  • Late submission
  • Miscellaneous
  • Online
  • Paper
  • PAYE
  • Penalties
  • Personal
  • Posting
  • Quality standard
  • VAT

Self assessment

  • Payments
  • Penalties
  • Procedure


  • Buy-backs
  • Capital gains tax
  • EMI scheme
  • Employer share schemes
  • Gifting
  • Husband/wife
  • Inheritance tax
  • Loss relief
  • Miscellaneous
  • Negligible value
  • Valuations
  • year-end planning

Stamp Duty

  • Land and buildings transfer tax
  • Land transaction tax
  • Miscellaneous
  • Penalties
  • Rate
  • Reliefs and exemptions
  • Stamp duty land tax

Succession planning

  • Family
  • Income tax
  • Incorporation
  • MBO

Tax credits

  • Tax credits
  • Universal credit
  • Working tax credits

Tax liability

  • Determination
  • Special relief


  • Cessation of trade
  • Trading allowance
  • Whether trading or not

Trusts and estates

  • Beneficial ownership
  • Capital distributions
  • Planning
  • Registration


  • Benefit in kind
  • VAT


  • Agent or principal supplier
  • Aggregation of businesses
  • Allowances
  • Annual accounting scheme
  • Appeal
  • Assessments
  • Bad debt
  • Barter trade
  • Benefits-in-kind
  • Brexit
  • Business gifts
  • Capital goods scheme
  • Case law
  • Cash accounting scheme
  • Cash basis scheme
  • Charities
  • Compensation
  • Construction
  • Credit notes
  • Debt factoring
  • Delivery charges
  • Deposits
  • Deregistration
  • Disbursements
  • Discount and promotion schemes
  • E-commerce
  • Education
  • Educational supplies
  • Entertainment
  • Errors
  • EU sales and purchases
  • Exempt supplies
  • Exports
  • Flat rate
  • Food & drink
  • Gifts
  • Global accounting scheme
  • Groups
  • Holding companies
  • Imports
  • Input tax
  • Invoices
  • Late returns
  • Making tax digital
  • Margin scheme
  • Membership fees
  • Miscellaneous
  • Mixed or composite supplies
  • MOSS
  • Online trading
  • Option to tax
  • Output tax
  • Partial exemption
  • Payment
  • Periods
  • Private use of assets
  • Prompt payment discount
  • Property
  • Purchases for private use
  • Rates
  • Reclaiming
  • Records
  • Reduced rate supplies
  • Registration
  • Returned goods
  • Returns
  • Reverse charge
  • Reverse charge construction industry
  • Sponsorship
  • Staff clothes/equipment
  • Standard rate
  • Stock value
  • Supply of staff
  • Surcharge
  • Tax points
  • TOGC
  • Tribunal
  • Voluntary disclosures
  • Vouchers
  • Zero-rated


  • Benefits
  • Bonuses
  • Directors
  • National Insurance
  • National minimum wage
  • PAYE
  • Pay in lieu of notice
  • Payroll
  • Remuneration packages
  • Sacrifice schemes
  • Sick pay
  • Spouses
  • Tax codes

You can choose from the following subscription options...

Paper + digital

  • Direct to your home or business address by post, every fortnight
  • Direct to your inbox by email, every fortnight
  • 24/7 online access to the digital version (website + app)
  • All previously published articles readily available in our online database

Digital only

  • Direct to your inbox by email, every fortnight
  • 24/7 online access to the digital version (website + app)
  • All previously published articles readily available in our online database

Take a look at our subscription offers below.

In the most recent issue you'll find advice on...

Year 24 - issue 20 - 11.07.2024


Self-assessment 2023/24 - what’s new?

If you’re a sole trader or in partnership you may need to show extra information when completing your 2023/24 tax return. What’s required and how might it affect your self-assessment payment due on 31 July?


Why your tax code is now more important than ever

The amount of tax you pay on your salary depends on your tax code. If it’s wrong you’ll pay too much or too little. For many this can be a temporary issue, for others it can be permanent. What’s the problem and what can you do about it?


Tax and NI planning for multiple directorships

You’re a shareholder and director of three companies. You currently take a low salary from each company topped up with dividends. But is this really the most tax-efficient option?


Improvement and finance losses and how to claim them

You’re making substantial repairs and improvements to your buy-to-let property. You’ve borrowed from the bank to finance the repairs and these loans will wipe out the profit for a few years. What tax relief are you entitled to and how can you claim it?


Benchmark subsistence rates - are they worth it?

As an employer you don’t want to waste valuable time on avoidable admin tasks such as processing scores of expenses claims for employees’ subsistence claims. Might benchmark rates be a viable alternative?


Help with childcare for working parents

As a working parent you probably struggle to balance the needs of your job with those of your children, especially during the long summer holiday. This also poses a problem for employers. How can government childcare schemes help?


Sale of old equipment - is it VATable?

Our subscriber sold a machine which he had used in his business before he was VAT registered. His accountant has told him that he should have charged VAT on the sale and that he must now account for it out of the proceeds. Is he correct?


HMRC unable to solve Class 2 NI problem


Extend your child benefit claim

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